Proving “Fraud” in the Fulton County Ballot Counting Room — A Prosecutor’s Perspective – IOTW Report

Proving “Fraud” in the Fulton County Ballot Counting Room — A Prosecutor’s Perspective


A question that I have not yet seen posed directly, nor has there been any suggestion of an answer — obviously — is whether the FBI in Atlanta, working with the US Attorney in the Northern District of Georgia, has taken an interest in the individuals who were in the room where the surveillance video was recorded.

My view of what has been happening in Georgia is that the “sound and fury” has all been behind the lawsuits filed by Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, while the Trump Campaign has more quietly pursued an “election contest” lawsuit filed last Friday in Fulton County Superior Court.  That lawsuit was filed after the full “hand count” and later automatic machine “recount” were completed pursuant to Georgia law.  While that was taking place the Campaign was going about gathering factual information about “invalid” voters who may have cast “mail-in” ballots.

President Trump has remained mostly silent on the specifics of the allegations of vote irregularities in Georgia,  He publicly distanced himself from Lin Wood and Sidney Powell when they began to suggest that GOP voters should not participate in the two runoff elections unless state GOP officials took action on their allegations of hostile foreign penetration of the Dominion voting system devices used.  He has remained active in supporting the two GOP candidates in those runoff elections, calling attention to the vote irregularities that are now part of the publicly filed allegations in his election contest complaint.

But there has been no public comment — or criticism that I can find — by Pres. Trump directed at DOJ or Attorney General Barr specifically as it relates to Georgia.  I SUSPECT — pure speculation on my part — that DOJ is investigating fraud in Georgia, including Fulton County, and the videotape footage from the surveillance cameras in the ballot counting room is of great interest to them.

The FBI and US Attorney do not require “evidence” of a “crime” BEFORE they start to ask questions.  “Evidence” of a “crime” is what they are searching for through the process of asking questions. read more

9 Comments on Proving “Fraud” in the Fulton County Ballot Counting Room — A Prosecutor’s Perspective

  1. ” … DOJ is investigating fraud in Georgia, including Fulton County … ”

    Hard to do that without raising some eyebrows and in this high profile of a situation it is highly no one would have said something about it. That videotape, in its entirety, would have been taken if the were investigating and that wouldn’t go unnoticed.

    I really don’t have very much faith in the DOJ doing anything that will be rocking the boat anytime soon at least I’m not getting my hopes up about it.

  2. “But there has been no public comment — or criticism that I can find — by Pres. Trump directed at DOJ or Attorney General Barr specifically as it relates to Georgia.”

    I guess that stuff yesterday about Barr resigning was just just “sources close to the matter” wish casting by the journos. They’re either worried about what Barr is up to or, more likely, focused on el Presidente Lecto’s cabinet picks.

    Hark, reportos! Is that the skirling of bagpipes off in the distance? Or is it just Joe trying to say “Xavier Becerra”.

  3. Brad, I didn’t expect them to take it up, too much like using the USSC as a partisan political tool to interfere with matters the State has jurisdiction over for political purposes rather than legal ones.

    I’m still thinking the USSC could just sidestep the whole issue as not being under their jurisdiction and properly belonging to Congressional review instead.

  4. If anyone connected the dots since even before 9-11, the government WANTS to foment CW2.
    When a car thief is done with his prize, he lights it on fire.

    So what enormous thing does the Government want to conceal, to bury??

    If you haven’t realized it. I’ll tell you, it’s obvious.


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