PSA – IOTW Report


13 Comments on PSA

  1. My church resumed in-person services on Pentecost (after livestreaming for two months with all worship participants). No masks required and as much singing as possible. No more shutdowns, ever, unless the Guv has his stormtroopers arrest us all. Acts 5:29.

  2. REVOLT! Revolt until the Left Wing Tin Pot Tyrants have been defeated.

    I have not complied and will never comply.

    Oh yeah… You’ll have to take those stupid masks off to revolt.

  3. Disappointed in the church we were attending.
    Never spoke up about Mills’ overreach. Criticized protesters against overreach then privately gave me a weak excuse about it not being about all protesters.
    Taking reservations for services and masks required.

  4. No masks at our church now, but we had zoom church for two weeks way back when and the pastor’s 80+ y.o. mother wore a mask most of the Summer. I don’t do zoom or fecesbook so I showed up in the early part of this anyway and helped my friend/pastor with conducting church.

    We all know this is an attack on America. A school nurse in the church says she doesn’t report any positive tests unless they have a fever. She does talk with the parents about it, though.

    We all want to know how no one is allowed to be sick any more. The one-world-order people keep going for the most common things to control us.

    Carbon dioxide is bad? Can’t have life without it.

    Climate is changing? When hasn’t it? Who killed the ice age?

    Now the common cold isn’t allowed either. Being sick is outlawed now. Who had the last cold?

    How has common sense escaped so many of the people in the world?

  5. My pastor has never closed the doors. People have quit coming because of fear of the chi-com flu and the governor’s persecution. Pastor has continued to preach that God is our protector and that we are secure in Him. God is faithful and has kept the scamdemic from us. Praise Jesus!

  6. …my Pastor didn’t close the church and doesn’t require masks, but we lost a dear brother earlier this year TO LEUKEMIA, but at the end of his run the hospital put him on respirators and said he had covid, and then they said he looked uncomfortable so they kept giving him morphine which is a respiratory depressant, then they blew out first one lung, then the remaining one, apparently because some doc or RT doesn’t know how to use a respirator on an elderly man whose wasted with cancer.

    But they called it a COVID death.

    …and his wife, our dear sister in Christ, is not a young woman and knows nothing about medicine and mostly wasn’t allowed to see him, so even though my wife and I tried to share some very hard lessons we’ve learned about the pitfalls of ventilators and morphine and what to watch for, but since the hospital basically kicks all family out she really couldn’t see with her own eyes and was too scared to stand up to them anyway, so he died of leukemia and stupid drug and respirator use, certainly not the FIRST time I’ve ever seen it.

    But they called it COVID.

    …because of this, even though Pastor kept the doors open and didn’t require masks, this dear sister and his ACTUAL blood sister and another sister in Christ in our congregation refused to come to Church if masks were not used. At one point, the man’s sister actually thought our PASTOR gave him the COVID from guest preaching in another church where THEIR Pastor had COVID, althogh NO ONE, not even the man whose body died (I have no doubt his soul lives on with Christ) EVER showed a single symptom of it.

    So to assuage their fears, we wear masks anyway.

    They both came back, but the sister just got more and more freaked out about COVID every day, mostly because Ohio’s asshole Governor and his baby murdering minister of death keep trying to scare everyone into their holes with edicts so insane that even his own Party, Republican, is trying to impeach him now. But this older sister, God bless her, isn’t the type to understand that its even debatable and the media certainly doesn’t help, so now according to her fiancée (a brother in Christ in the church), she’s afraid to go out af all, makes him swear he never took his mask off around anyone, and practically decontaminates anyone and anything before it can come into her house.

    Her brother’s death, the hospital’s self-serving lies, and the lunatic RINO governor who only wants to destroy the President have broken this poor woman completely, even cutting her off from Christ.

    Because they said it was COVID.

    …we pray for her, for each other, and for this Nation.

    …but I sometimes wonder if the Rapture didn’t already happen, NONE were found worthy because of Democrats, and we aren’t ALL living the Tribulations even as we speak…

    But then I can still feel the Spirit and understand His word, and that would not be if the Lord had abandoned us yet.

    “3 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

    4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”
    2 Corinthians 1:3-4

    …we pray for her, for each other, and for our Nation, even as I pray for all of you that the Lord will protect and comfort us all.

    And if you can, please do the same for us.

    God Bless,

  7. An elder at my old church, let’s call him John, died last well “due to complications associated with COVID-19.” He was 73.

    John was a strong Christian, a friend, a mentor, a conservative, a strong 2A supporter.

    I left that church over 20 years ago. I don’t know how they dealt with the restrictions.

  8. Mainstream churches don’t stand against tyranny because they have become part of the matrix of corruption. If you go to a mainstream church (one that goes along with the lies of the media) then you are a FOOL – – FOOL FOOL FOOL FOOL FOOL!!


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