Psst! He’s Still Here. – IOTW Report

Psst! He’s Still Here.

Happy Trump is Still the President Day!

Patriot Retort: Apparently yesterday was Happy Impeachment Day.  And along partisan lines, every Democrat except three (or four) voted for the weakest impeachment articles in the history of the universe.  Well, whoopie!

But if yesterday was Happy Impeachment Day, today is Happy Trump is Still the President Day.

Actually, thanks to Happy Impeachment Day, the next one thousand, four hundred and ninety-four days will be Happy Trump is Still the President Day.

So thanks, Nancy!

mentioned yesterday that quite a few members of the Twitter ResistanceLOL seem to be under the misguided notion that the Democrats impeaching Trump would mean an end to his presidency.

So soak up the shell-shocked tears when these nudniks wake up on the first of 1,494 Happy Trump is Still the President days.

They actually think this show trial matters.

10 Comments on Psst! He’s Still Here.

  1. And to think in an earlier article here, the social networking sites are full of Progs that think President Trump is no longer President Of The United States. I wonder how many suicides / drug overdoses will take place when they figure out the truth?

  2. Not only is President Trump still President, but he is more popular than ever!The Progs will never see it, but there are more and more people who now recognize democRAT skulduggery for what it really is and have Trump’s back! 2020 is gonna be a rough year for democRATs! Start making the popcorn!

  3. Drumpf is going to be dragged out kicking and screaming. Then he’s going to prison. Justice for Muslims, Mexicans, women, and the disabled. And Hillary Rodham Clinton will be President.

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