Psychologist Analyzes Trump’s Election And The Progressive Left [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Psychologist Analyzes Trump’s Election And The Progressive Left [VIDEO]


Sifting through the tumultuous aftermath of President Donald Trump’s election, a former clinical psychologist steeped in understanding cultural Marxism, shares his observations on how Democrats are working to distract and delegitimatize Trump.

According to Tim Daughtry, author of  our elections since 2010 demonstrate citizens want Washington to stop governing against the will of the people as it drives the nation towards liberal progressive socialism. The clear 2016 ballot box message, he says, was “change course, secure our borders, get rid of Obamacare, put in some free market reforms, get our economy going again” with this man, who has never held elective office.

Daughtry says America is clearly facing a crisis over the “consent of the governed” as citizens demand a responsive national government, just as the British turned from globalism of the European Union in their surprising Brexit vote last June. Trump’s inaugural address echoed this very theme as, to cheers, he promised to transfer power back to the citizen, from a small Washington elite.

“The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of the country. Their victories have not been your victories,” Trump said, echoing his defense of the “forgotten man and woman” who elected him.

If Washington’s swamp-like behavior continues, Daughtry predicts “conditioned helplessness,” apathy and the surrender of America being founded on the core principle of the “consent of the governed” as elections will demonstrate to have no consequences.

Daughtry reveals three political warfare tactics of the left being used in our culture and politics to distract and delegitimize President Trump – a “pig-pen strategy,” vilification campaigns and gaslighting.

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8 Comments on Psychologist Analyzes Trump’s Election And The Progressive Left [VIDEO]

  1. Have patience everybody. There is a lot to do to uncover the layers of slime in the swamp before the draining can commence. There are some who can just be flushed, while others must be fully revealed and implicated with evidence so they can be hung.
    I suspect the true patriots will give Trump four years to show he is making progress. After that, if nothing has changed, all bets are off.

  2. For those looking for a magic pill or silver bullet, you’ll be perpetually disappointed. Trump didn’t cause all this and he’s not going to be able to undo it all alone, either. He repeated “We won the election but our real work is just beginning.” By “we” he meant all America-loving Americans. I will repeat that of all the people running as Republicans in this last election, Trump is the only one who could be doing what he is doing, so if you’re sitting on the sidelines just waiting for his foot to slip so you can say “I told you so” or that someone else could have done a better job, you’re no better than a Leftist who is gaslighting us.

    End of rant.

  3. I agree with Billy. 20 minutes well spent. It’s not something you don’t already know, but it’s well stated. Historically speaking I have only one disagreement. The tea party movement started in 2009, not 2010.

  4. You need two things for gaslighting to work: (1) total control of info and perceptions and (2) to be willing to tell a lie long enough and loud enough, no matter who opposes you or with what facts.

    The more voices you have on your side to lie with you, the louder the lie is and so that much harder to refute. Reasonable opposition eventually either gives up in silence, or gets really mean.

  5. “Reasonable opposition eventually either gives up in silence, or gets really mean.”

    At what point does the opposition use it’s mandate to the truth to overturn those lighting the gas? And what form should it take? We are being warned that it’s gonna take real action (like turning off TV, cancelling newspaper subscriptions, voting lifer-politicians out of office, and maybe standing up for Trump in public) that sends the message “WE ARE TIRED AS HELL AND WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!”

  6. Yeah, about now I’m pissed off my recent ancestors let the federal government tell them they didn’t need and therefore had no right to automatic weapons. My ‘government’ either by congressional,judicial or executive fiat gives itself permission to persecute me and my family with routine under the guise of being for my own good. We can take care of ourselves, even better without government ‘help’.

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