Psychologist: poor, insane Muslim terrorists with family problems are still Muslim terrorists – IOTW Report

Psychologist: poor, insane Muslim terrorists with family problems are still Muslim terrorists


By: Nicolai Sennels, psychologist

In connection with at least three Muslim terror attacks (one, two, three) this year police was able to, almost on the spot, diagnose the attacker as being suffering from mental illness. It always amazes me how authorities are able to, in a surprisingly short time, diagnose somebody. Being an experienced psychologist myself I know that it usually takes hours, most often days, weeks or even months, to correctly diagnose a person.

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For years we have seen how media, politicians and authorities downplay the very real threat of Islamic terrorism again and again, and many think that by blaming psycho-social problems, the police try exempt Islam and Muslim immingration from blame and calm the public by not categorizing attacks as “terrorism”. Instead they blame insanity, poverty (as when US’ Secretary of State John Kerry concluded that lack of money “in many cases is the root cause of terrorism“) or family problems (like in the case of the Chattanooga shooter Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, where authorities very quickly sent out information about Abdulazeez’ divorce).

But there are many poor people in this world. There are many people with mental problems and people with family problems. So why is it that only Muslims, with or without the above mentioned problems, commit terror? MORE


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