Psychopath in a wedding dress – IOTW Report

Psychopath in a wedding dress

Absolute psychopath in a wedding dress brings a pastor and corners her boyfriend in Target, demanding he marry her.
Or she’s going to leave him.

29 Comments on Psychopath in a wedding dress

  1. ‘I brought my bridesmaid, Costco … yay!, & my pastor, Wally Mart’

    HaHaHa! … what a total spaz … this guy’s in for a world of absolute butthurt

    & in the long run …. she’s gonna leave him anyway

    hope he got an employee discount to go along w/ her 20% off coupon for that dress

  2. …um. ANY married man can tell you that EVERY woman who puts on a wedding dress becomes a controlling psychopath, as long as his WIFE isn’t around to hear him SAY it…

  3. I had a girlfriend come to me and demand to know why I kept telling her friend that I wasn’t ever going to marry her. I told her that if she would stop telling her friend I was that I wouldn’t have to keep correcting the record.

  4. RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN AWAY DUDE. She is a bossy power bitch! She will be bossing you forever and it only gets worse. Your life will be a living hell!!!!

  5. …and then Target fired him, ostensibly for leaving early and without clocking out, but really because they don’t want to have to deal with the domestic violence sure to show up there again and again and again later on…

  6. …true story on security like this…when I first started where I am now, it was pretty much the Wild West, we had no security guards, no poeple control, and most of the doors in the building were unlocked and unalarmed most of the time. It was a factory in an industrial area, so it didn’t get any walk-around traffic, so in theory the only people around would be people who worked there.

    But that wasn’t always the case.

    …they were working us like dogs in the early going, 14 hour days, 7 days a week, so we didn’t see the fam too much, but mostly the wives appreicated the dough rolling in and the fact we were building a rep and gaining experience, so we were left mostly alone about it, although there were exceptions.

    One such exception was that there was this very tall, strong, bald Black gentleman I worked with who was the nicest guy you’d ever meet even though he grew up in the projects, but he was working his way out of that past and a failed marriage with child support ready to throw him into the hoosegow over unpaid same because of the products of that previous marriage, so he had good reason to work long and hard, and was sometimes tired because of it, so with him, as with all of us, he would sometimes cork off in the Maintenance room sitting at the break table and spend a quarter hour or so in Dreamland before going back to the mines.

    …well, one day, he had apparently raised his CURRENT wife’s ire somehow, and they had an infant at the time, so she decided (in those pre-cell phone days, important plot point) to raise the issue with him directly, here and now, so she loaded the baby up and hauled over to the plant to confront him about whatever.

    There were a bunch of guys around the table with him kicked back and sawing lumberin a chair, when SHE suddenly appeared at the double doors, like the vengful goddes Kali come to dole out Death with one of her many hands while holding their baby on one hip with the other, and paused at the door for a moment like she was charging her eyes with fire to burn the back out of her sleeping husband’s currently unware head.

    Everyone else in the room backed slowly away from the table, and scattered quickly to the four winds.

    Without waking him.

    …it is not known what went on after that, but he was apparenly startled rudely from whatever his dream was by a wrathful nightmare that unloaded several lifetimes of female ire on him, loudly starting with “how he always talked about how HARD he worked, and here HE was, SLEEPING!”, then dressing him down about how his child would never know him, and how much they had to spend for his previous foray into the child-having realm, and how she was left alone to fend for herself while HE just slept in a chair with all those disreputable friends of his without a care in the WORLD…

    …it kind of simmered down after he gave some sort of placating response, with all 6″11″ of him apparently humble before her from the sound, so I don’t know what happened after THAT, but she eventually left without killing him and with HIM wanting to kill US for running off and not helping him, or at LEAST waking him UP.

    Tons of fun, but it could have ended much worse.

    She, at least, loved him, and 20 odd years later I saw that love as she and her adult children stood by his hospital bet and prayed with me for her husband and my friend to survive the heart attack he brought to work with him and he tried very hard to die of 10 months before retiring, which he survived but it was pretty freaky when he texted me from the dressing room to tell me he was dying and I needed to help, but that’s a different story for another day…

    a few years later, there was some Clinton-era thing about having a work requirement for welfare cash payments, which produced a HUGE cadre of people who were both unable and unwilling to work being forced to work for their drug money. This went about as well as you’d expect it would when they ran prison busses through the ‘hood and collected up all the multigenerational welfare cases that didn’t have a medical or young child excuse, and dropped them on our doorstep to a management that THOUGHT they had a cheap labor force they could take advantage of.

    Well, that was stupid and wrong and later events proved that, and I could write a book on that ALONE except that isn’t my point today.

    The thing is, they brought all THEIR domestic ills, drugs, prostitution, and baby momma drama WITH them, and it got to be kind of a frequent thing to have the cops come in to get one that got out of hand, tar heoin vials were left in the parking lot, sex was for sale in some cars, and there were a couple of occasions when someone came after a woman working in the plant and had to have his ass beat for him before the cops came.

    Happily, they never brought weapons, for whatever reason, but they easily COULD have.

    So we added the security, locked most of the doors, and actually got REQUIRED to do so a few years later anyway becasue of Federal Food Security edicts that were handed down primarily to combat possible terrorist attacks.

    So the point is, having an insane person of any stripe feel they can approach your employees at any time in your business is not only unprofessionnal, disruptive, and put YOUR business in a bad light,

    It can also be DANGEROUS.

    You’re paying people to do a JOB. They can keep THAT shit OUTSIDE.

    …and that INCLUDES your Fatal Attraction Force Bride.

    Someone THIS crazy could EASLY unleash the crazy on nearby customers or employees.

    I don’t know what Target’s response to this would be, but if it’s an at-will state, they should probably invite him to seek new career opportunities elsewhere forthwith if he cannot control her, and ban her from all of their stores.

    For their own safety.

    …But it’s Target, and they invite mentally ill, perverted men into the girl’s bathrooms, so who knows. They’ll probably fire him ANYWAY just for being hetrosexual, but they’re likely OK with the crazy since they seem to LIKE that…


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