PSYOP The Steal – IOTW Report

PSYOP The Steal

Exposing The Plan To Siege the US Capitol On January 6th, 2021

Millennial Millie:
What happened on January 6, 2021 was part of a well prepared contingency plan to disrupt President Trump’s chances of contesting the election results riddled with accusations of fraud.

11 Comments on PSYOP The Steal

  1. We all know from the beginning as to why she had the Capitol fenced in. So nobody could protest! Her days are numbered as Speaker and on Earth. Bitch can’t visit F.D.R. soon enough!

  2. The scheme was in the making for years to enrich by billions (more) dark globalist coffers and using presT as the vehicle to pull it off. The entire scamdemic thing was the scheme of schemes to amass billions of dollars for global elite billionaires which includes the tali-ghan and border illegals episode.

  3. After accomplishing one of the Biggest Lies ever foisted on Americans, what is one more to them? The Leftist Democrats and Republicans are an authority unto themselves. “It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.”

    Of course it was orchestrated. You’d be a darn fool not to see that. They string us along with their idiotic Fake government “oversight” and supposed rules; knowing full well that everyone involved is part of the Company.

    Yeah, I’ve given up to complete cynicism.

  4. Two things that are obvious:

    1. It was no “insurrection” but a planned narrative trap that, sadly, a lot of naive people fell for. The “crowd violence” was obviously staged.

    2. Not a goddamn thing will be done about it, because the only mechanisms to address crimes committed by the government are fully complicit components of that same government.

    And, let’s face it. Half of US citizens want to live in an oppressive, totalitarian shithole because they’re too goddamn stupid to know better. They’re the people who still claim “Russian collusion” by Trump was real.

  5. As mickey moussaoui said yesterday, it’s no coincidence that the FBI is publicly announcing that there was no planned coup on 1/6, just as the actual FBI/Antifa 1/6 false flag is being exposed. Although they’re still holding patriots hostage and taking new hostages like high-value target Owen Shroyer while they try to keep their plot out of the news and reframe their narrative.

    They knew well in advance that people like Millennial Millie were onto them and couldn’t be stopped. The loose cannon Michael Leroy Byrd, who murdered Ashli Babbitt, was not supposed to happen in the false flag, and his perfunctory exoneration was a desperate act which was strictly for media consumption and dissemination.

    As usual, everything they’re doing on the 1/6 operation is to push their inevitable exposure down the road to “what difference, at this point, does it make?” The unfortunate patriots can languish in jail and be threatened into silence, one by one, for as long as it takes. I have neen threatened into silence by law enforcement to make their mistake go away, and I have no doubt that is what’s going on in the judges’ chambers of DC.


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