Public Health Law Allowing for the Expedited Deportation of Illegals Upheld in Federal Court – IOTW Report

Public Health Law Allowing for the Expedited Deportation of Illegals Upheld in Federal Court

PJM: The only thing saving Joe Biden’s political hide on the border since he took office has been an obscure public health law that allows the government to immediately expel illegal aliens who arrive at the border. Title 42 was first imposed by Donald Trump in 2020 despite the predictable and vicious outcry from open borders fanatics.

Without Title 42, more than a million illegal aliens who showed up at our border since Biden’s term began would have been allowed in.

Despite enormous pressure applied by fanatics to drop the rule and embrace the chaos, Biden valued his job more than the support of the crazies. He maintained the Title 42 restrictions for the most part, allowing some exceptions but also allowing for the deportation of almost all illegals who show up at the border.

Now, two appeals court rulings have mostly upheld Title 42 but with some important exceptions. The Biden administration will likely be forced to examine an illegal’s asylum claim to make sure they aren’t returned to a country where they will be tortured or killed, according to a unanimous ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit — the most liberal appeals court in the country. read more

7 Comments on Public Health Law Allowing for the Expedited Deportation of Illegals Upheld in Federal Court

  1. “The Biden administration will likely be forced to examine an illegal’s asylum claim to make sure they aren’t returned to a country where they will be tortured or killed…”

    …like Canada, for example, SEE ALSO Violations of Nuremberg Laws concerning coerced medical experiments that can be crippling or fatal and Government use of force against peaceful protestors.

  2. Why are they even getting across the damn border? If Hungary & Poland can stop close to 100% of illegal crossers than WTF? 2 million, 2 fucking million made it into Texas in the last year.

    That’s bullshit. And Texans voted for that asshole Abbott…again.

  3. Open borders jerks love to claim “asylum seekers” are actually in danger.
    The ngo’s coach them.
    They also claim they all want to work. Not. And they can’t round them up for deportation.

    The solution to getting rid of lots of them?
    Announce all housing, food, and other benefits and freebies end in 90 days. Enforce employment laws.
    They’ll leave.

  4. Last week a Criminal Illegal walked into a church with an illegal AR, with an over capacity mag, and murdered his 3 kids and their mother. A glaring example of why gun laws don’t work and why we need to get these idiots out of our country.

  5. The hypocritical and mega-nuisance Joe Biden opens up floodgates for illegal invaders and ‘foreign nationals’ while at the same time the slob mandates vaxx, masking, isolations, and testing. Add the fact that those home kits and ‘tests’ have been adulterated by the CCP and infected with the disease via nasal swabs.

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