Public Interest Legal Foundation Identifies 349,773 Dead People on Voter Rolls Nationwide – IOTW Report

Public Interest Legal Foundation Identifies 349,773 Dead People on Voter Rolls Nationwide

PJM: The Democrats are pushing mail-in voting despite all the apparent problems in changing our election processes on short notice. One of the most significant risks is inaccurate voter rolls. Public Interest Legal Foundation conducted a nationwide study and identified 349,773 deceased people on the voter rolls. This problem is only one category of inaccuracy that can lead to fraud in the Democrats’ preferred process. They also found duplicate votes cast in both 2016 and 2018.

Mail-in voting is a push process that differs significantly from absentee balloting. Mail-in voting sends a ballot to any registered voter on the state’s voter rolls. While clean-up efforts have been pursued in many states, mostly by voter integrity groups, voter rolls are far from perfect.

By contrast, absentee voting requires the registered voter to request a ballot. This requirement ensures the ballot is sent to the correct address, and generally, there are other security measures in place. Despite this fact, between 2012 and 2018, it is estimated that 20% of mail-in votes were not counted. While several states, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Colorado, and Hawaii, have adopted mail-in voting as their formal process, absentee ballots also go missing. more here

11 Comments on Public Interest Legal Foundation Identifies 349,773 Dead People on Voter Rolls Nationwide

  1. Vote in person! If your circumstances mean that you have no choice but to use an absentee or mail-in ballot, see if your county board of elections has supervised drop-off boxes that bypass the USPS. Invalid or fraudulent voting is another much bigger can of worms, but you should do what you can to be sure your ballot doesn’t go missing.

    My county, Sarasota, does have drop-off boxes with a poll worker watching to be sure somebody doesn’t back a dump truck up to the slot. Sarasota has another good feature. If you request an absentee ballot, you can use their web site to see if they got it and counted it.

  2. This is a reflection of probably 1% to 10% of the fraud.
    Considering that there are ~ 175,000 precincts in the US, that’s roughly 2 dead people voting per precinct – and we KNOW that’s bullshit. Some precincts had 10 to 20 percent MORE Demonrat votes than registered voters! And if each precinct represents about 800 voters, that’s more like 80 to 160 fraudulent votes per precinct which comes to 21 Million fraudulent votes nationwide (on average).

    Smells like bullshit. Pure disinformation to minimize the very real and obvious threat.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The Motto of the Left:
    When you can’t rise up to meet the competition,
    just drag ’em down to yer lowest level of Suck with lying and cheating!
    Book burning and censorship is so much easier than learning History and telling the Truth. Not only that, but how can you promote and agenda if people are truly educated?

  4. If socialist security keeps sending you checks until you notify them that you are dead… HOW on earth do you expect your local registrar’s office to keep up with who has moved, died or whatever.

    But really! I agree with Tim, looks like they dropped a zero or two…

  5. A few elections back voter rolls were compared across state lines. Seems people with the same name and birth date (over 10,000) voted in one state and New York. This was just an in depth study of just one state.

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