[Not an endorsement, and we are not getting paid to post this.
Just wanted to show there are options besides public school.]
Exodus Institute:
Fully accredited K-12th grade online school. Taught by experienced and credentialed teachers. Christian values. No political agendas or “woke” indoctrination.

Full-time, credit recovery, and summer school options available. Flexible schedules. Our guidance counselors help map out your student’s graduation path. Affordable tuition. School choice vouchers (depending on your state) may help with or cover the cost.
As Seen On The Absolute Truth at the 49:35 minute mark.
Why NOT sell advertising for “indie” education options? Iow, I don’t get the disclaimer.
Keep your children out of the government school systems.
FYI, the “black conservative” at 49:30 is the same woman that was trolling explaining why she wore a mask in her car a week or two ago.
So many people here thought she was a legit libtard. She’s a legit conservative that plays several characters lambasting the left.
She was teaching and got fed up with what the left has been doing with public schools.
I’ve been telling people for over 20 years to get their children out of the government schools. As of late I’m no longer getting those funny looks in reply that were all too common. Knowing nods are becoming more prevalent.
Public schools were turning to shit back when I attended (grad HS in 71).
OHSH (MD suburb of DC) had dropped Latin before I arrived, and dropped Physics and Calculus the year after I graduated. No longer taught History, but some weird concoction of confusion known as “Civics.”
AND – public schools had been degenerating since the 50s – schools in cities being the absolute worst.
After 70 years of this mal-education America is finally waking up?
I kind of doubt it – most parents are as ignorant (some as fucking stupid) as their ignorant whelps.
“Look, Pa – Billy rote his name in block ledders! Only mis-spelt it a l’il bit!”
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Dad of 4: she is Kali Fontanilla on YT, and she is great.
As I have said before and will say it again my wife and I violated every rule in the book by keeping our 3 kids out of public screwels and would do so again. They were homeschooled and allowed to learn on their own with our help and all 3 of them are normal well-adjusted adults with good well-paying careers of their own. Tim, I also graduated from HS in 1971 which was probably one of the last hurrahs for public education before it became totally politically correct. My youngest brother who is 5 years younger than me wasn’t as lucky with his public indoctrination and that was in 1976 but he became an exceptional mechanic thru working for my dad beginning when he was about 15 or 16 years old, and he only just recently retired because he lost his lease on his shop after 40 years in business along with my dad. Common sense and hard work rules, which the public screwels don’t teach and the public screwels suck. My kids and especially my son who is almost 41 who is working on starting his own business with a friend in the fiber optics installation field, they both have 15 or more years of experience with installing fiber optic cabling systems and just won a 500 K plus contract for a big local govt. project in Lewiston, Idaho His aim is big and it’s paying off for him thru the school of hard knocks and OJT training.
we took our kids out of the public schools in 2006
we enrolled in an online virtual academy, they shipped all the books, consumables, tools, etc.
they would even provide a computer if you didn’t have one
at the end of the school year, they sent shipping labels to send back the books and tools.
they also arranged field trips to see the symphony, museums, etc.
it was great, we could take vaca anytime we wanted without fear of a court order (if your kid’s absent 4 days in a row without a doctor note to notify the school you will get a court order … ask me how i know)
i have a pic of my youngest at the jackson lake lodge in grand teton doing his homework on a laptop in the hotel lobby with that beautiful mountain range in the background
Look at AOC. She’s a prime example of what public education churns out. How many other members of Congress, how many of your state and local office holders, school board members, etc. are victims of the same education that AOC received? We are up against a problem of epic proportions.
When buying some lanai furniture a few years back we got into a discussion with the manager of the place. I said that kids these days were being brainwashed and he corrected me and said no, they were being indoctrinated. He termed it much better than I did.
I graduated in ’72. Interesting to read how many of us are so close in age.