Public support for border wall soars – IOTW Report

Public support for border wall soars

JTN: Former President Donald Trump’s signature campaign proposal is more popular than ever as an unprecedented surge in illegal border crossings under his successor has fueled an uptick in public support for building a wall on the southern border.

Public support for a border wall has swung a net 14 points since November 2015, before Trump took office. A Fox News survey, released Wednesday, revealed that 57% of registered voters support the construction of a wall on the nation’s border with Mexico while 40% oppose the idea. In November 2015, those figures stood at 50% in favor and 47% opposed.

The results mark an even more dramatic reversal since border wall support reached a low of 39% in September 2018, when 51% opposed building it. Driving much of the uptick is a surge in support from traditionally Democratic constituencies. Support from Hispanic voters for the wall has jumped 14% since February. Among black voters, support jumped 9% in the same period. Democrats saw an 8% increase, while voters over age 65 saw a 19% surge in support. Republican support grew by 7%. more here

5 Comments on Public support for border wall soars

  1. I’m not against a wall. However, I am against not having an immigration policy that is fair and enforced.

    The United States needs immigrants. For maybe 15 years or so, I have been interested in population demographics, and the numbers are alarming; even the United States has dipped below replacement values for its native population, and our economy is based on some population growth or, at a minimum, a stable population. Socialist countries in Europe are even more concerned; a total fertility rate (TFR) of 2.1 is needed to replace a generation, but most of the EU nations are below 2.0. China and Japan are even worse – some experts believe China’s population will be halved in the next 50 years and Japan isn’t too far behind. Even Russia may likely run out of young people to fuel Putin’s dreams of conquest.

    The world is a place with a lot of empty. The entire world can be put in the western United States if populated at a density of Houston. When it comes to population, most of our people are in cities; go to Chicago and you’ll find it’s crowded – travel to downstate Illinois and you will find a lot of empty and shrinking towns.

    We cannot let everyone in – therefore the need for border barriers. But we do not want to keep everyone out – we need people. A wall is a first step, but a workable immigration policy is even more important.


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