Puddin’ Boy Stelter is concerned – IOTW Report

Puddin’ Boy Stelter is concerned

Patriot Retort:

You know, it’s always a complete shock when someone at CNN stumbles onto the truth. It happens so rarely, it stands out like a sore thumb.

Yesterday on his ironically-named “Reliable Sources,” Puddin’ Boy Brian Stelter voiced his concern over this coordinated, Media-Matters-led smear against Laura Ingraham.

Stelter asked, “Are ad boycotts the right answer here? I’m personally pretty wary of this. I think it’s dangerous to see these ad boycott attempts happening more and more often in this country.”

But of course he is.

We’re not playing by the old rules anymore. And even someone from CNN notices that.

It’s dawning on Puddin’ Boy Stelter that two can play at that game.

So when CNN contributor Joan Walsh decided to – to use the words the Left used against Ingraham — bully Parkland student Kyle Kashuv, instantly there were calls to boycott CNN advertisers over it.

What’s good for the goose …

Now, I hate this boycott crap.

Advertisers should never take sides against half the country just to appease the conformity police.

Does Bayer really believe that alienating half of their potential market by caving to the demands of the pitchfork and torches mob on Twitter makes good business sense?

Mob-rule is despicable and witch-hunts never end well.

But the old rules are out.

And the Left’s rules … well … rule. read more here

12 Comments on Puddin’ Boy Stelter is concerned

  1. I never understood why companies are “commenting” on Twitter. Put out your latest ad for pickle-scented dishwashing liquid, tell us what it does and when it’s coming out and then STFU. Don’t ‘follow’ anyone, don’t answer anyone, don’t be ‘customer service’ on social media. Use the fucking telephone or emails. If the companies cared about a customer’s privacy, they wouldn’t be publicly engaging them in the first place.

    I can’t stand that Follow Us On Twitter or Friend Us on Facebook shit. No, you sit your asses down at the desk and focus on your products! Too many fucking company people ‘feeling’ and ‘chatting’ on social media than there are people actually putting on a lab coat and pushing buttons on calculators or whatever.

  2. I still find it hard to believe there are CEOs out there who would deliberately damage their company with diminished sales and resulting diminished stock values (public or private) by participating in something that is guaranteed to piss-off about half their customers or more! You just don’t do that. There is a fundamental difference between advertising and polarizing! The job of a CEO is to grow the company thru improved products and sales and take care of the employees, not to sit there and play silly, social-justice warrior games – or allow their sales department to function that way! First of all any CEO shouldn’t need to be told that to begin with, but any one who would needs to be fired immediately!

  3. I am not part of any organized boycott. But I personally boycott. GM once it became Government Motors. GE when they cozied up to the obama administration. Target when they opened up their dressing rooms. Dick’s when they went anti-2A. National Review when they went anti-Trump. Enterprise rental car when they disassociated themselves from NRA.

    There are others.

    it’s just a personal choice. Not orchestrated or trumpeted.

    They just no longer get my dough. Call it what you like.

  4. @Rat Fink ~ you have to realize that most CEO’s of large corporations are multi-millionaires & really don’t concern themselves with ‘fly-over’ Americans (for lack of a better term). They only concern themselves how will they be received at the Club in the Hamptons this season. Their companies will move enough profit & they know it.
    Time for those that don’t agree w/ the communist/socialist to say ‘we don’t care if you boycott. boycott all you want. we will find advertisers that don’t bow to socialist pressure …. thank you & good bye. sell your products in Kalipornia to the illegals’.
    Do I really care that Starphuck’s boycotts Fox? … I have never drank that overpriced swill. They don’t miss me; I don’t miss them. Fakebook … same. Don’t use Twitter, Sam Adams, Heineken, Guinness … & many others

  5. By the 6th inning they know they’ll lose the game so they change the rules.
    When we play by the new set of rules and are still winning they change the rules yet again.
    And then this is where we switch metaphors, they turn over the board and strut around like a pigeon as if they just won.


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