Puerto Rican Conservative Exposes the Anti-Trump Propaganda and Corruption – IOTW Report

Puerto Rican Conservative Exposes the Anti-Trump Propaganda and Corruption

“This piece of sh*t name is Victor Rodriguez he’s the truckers Union leader of Teamster. He’s using the tragedy of PR for his own benefit. He’s refusing to help distribute aid to people unless… ”

Ramon Socio Aponte LIVE!

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19 Comments on Puerto Rican Conservative Exposes the Anti-Trump Propaganda and Corruption

  1. What a despicable POS. Denying food and necessities to millions of people who have lost everything is the lowest type of scum there is. I sure hope someone can figure out how to remove this SOB from his position and prosecute if possible.

  2. Doesn’t the US military have a lot of qualified truck drivers? Time for DJT to send some transportation batallions to PR – bet the strike ends quickly
    Post a few tweets about what the union is doing while he is at it

  3. The old progressive, commie tactic: Never let a crisis go to waste.
    Watch the MSM blame President Trump for Mayor Carmen Cruz’s incompetence as they blamed President Bush for Mayor Ray Nagin’s incompetence for Katrina in 2005.
    One consolation though. Nagin is now in jail for corruption and bribery while in office. Mayor mouth almighty Cruz better be clean. Aid to Puerto Rico (which I certainly approve of) is going to cost the American taxpayer a lot of moola. Let’s hope that someone other than Joe Biden is keeping track of it. And if there are any shananagans (sp), let their be jail time. Big time jail time.

  4. This WOULD be the perfect opportunity for the Federal Government to “step in” and do it right,

    BUT: then, all the Leftists would do is scream “faaaascist!”
    SO, F*CK ‘EM.
    It’s cheaper in the long run!

    God bless President Trump!

  5. In America we shame a convenience store for overcharging a few dollars for bread and milk even before a storm hits.
    This guy is pulling this crap on hundreds, thousands of citizens with no alternatives for real life support.
    Expose this man, this union.

  6. So Puerto Rico becomes part of the States, and the Democrats have already got a network of Evil Politics set up ! The Lib’s truly don’t care a lick about people ! If their mouthy voters only knew the truth !!!

  7. Sounds like a typical union asshole to me. Just do what Reagan did back in the 80s when the Air Traffic Controllers went on strike. Fire their asses. There are plenty of qualified truck drivers out there that would be happy to take the job. I was in two unions through my working career, and they are the most useless entities in the nation today; the only purpose they serve is to ensure the continued existence of the union itself, and piss on the union members. Dues are used to buy politicians by providing bribe money to lobbyists, and not used to provide for members in trouble. Fuck all unions hard in the ass with a cholla cactus.

  8. After listening to that PR cop sobbing during her desperate phone call to the radio station I am horrified. People will die — men, women and, most of all, children — if they cannot get drinking water. I sit here and try to imagine what it would be like in Seattle if we lost all power, communications, food and water. It would be utter mayhem and no one would be safe.

    Damn them. The teamster guys should be rounded up and hung in a public square — along with their mayor (and it sounds like the governor, too).

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