Puerto Rico governor refuses to resign as island braces for big protest – IOTW Report

Puerto Rico governor refuses to resign as island braces for big protest


(Reuters) – Puerto Rico’s governor on Sunday said he would not seek re-election next year but refused to resign as the island braced for more protests by demonstrators demanding he step down over offensive chat messages.

A day before a planned general strike and massive street demonstrations in the bankrupt U.S. territory, Ricardo Rossello, 40, said he respected the wishes of Puerto Ricans and would not seek a second term in November 2020 elections.

He also said he would resign as head of his New Progressive Party (PNP) but would remain as governor until the end of his term in January, 2021.

“I know that apologizing is not enough,” Rossello said in a video posted on Facebook. “A significant sector of the population has been protesting for days. I’m aware of the dissatisfaction and discomfort they feel. Only my work will help restore the trust of these sectors.”

His comments drew outrage from many Puerto Ricans, with social media videos showing San Juan residents leaning out of apartment windows banging pots and pans in a third day of so-called “cacerolazo” protests.

The July 13 publication of sexist and homophobic chat messages between Rossello and top aides unleashed simmering resentment over his handling of devastating 2017 hurricanes, alleged corruption in his administration and the island’s bankruptcy process.

“‘#Resign Ricky isn’t just a call for him to resign from the party, but from his seat as the top official,” tweeted Linda Michelle, an industrial engineer and Puerto Rico radio personality. “Whoever wasn’t sure about going to the march tomorrow has now made up their mind to go.” more here

11 Comments on Puerto Rico governor refuses to resign as island braces for big protest

  1. Actually, in HIS mind he did resign, effective at next election.

    This precedent was set by the flamingly gay Gov of NJ (McGreevey), and then established as acceptable by umpteen felonious Dem. officeholders, across the USA.

    NB- no Rep. can ever get away with this, because the Media is not biased. Word.


  2. $93 Billion in Aid from Trump & USA proper to the AOC home planet.

    A place with a disproportionately large ratio of politicians to people.
    And everyone was blaming the federal government for poor results after the last hurricane.

    I wonder how much of that Aid was stolen & used to buy assets in Main Land USA by the scumbags.

    It was the local government!

  3. mrhanoverfist
    JULY 22, 2019 AT 4:12 PM
    “Explain to me how this is Trumps fault.”

    …because the media SAYS so. And they said you’re a racistsexistmysoginistislamohomophobic White nationalist for even daring to QUESTION them, now go apologize for slavery or they’ll unleash Marianne Williamson on you…

  4. I think its past time that we cut ties with Puerto Rico! They can stand on their own… They vote someone in then when he/she does something they don’t like they want them to resign….They whole country has gone Snowflake!


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