Puhsaki falsely claims ‘a number of officers’ died January 6 on Capitol Hill – IOTW Report

Puhsaki falsely claims ‘a number of officers’ died January 6 on Capitol Hill

PM: During a White House Press Briefing Friday, Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed that “a number of officers” died during the events on Capitol Hill January 6, 2021.

One reporter asked Psaki for a comment about a letter penned to the president from DC Metropolitan police officer Michael Fanone, who was brutally attacked on January 6 and says he’s living with lasting trauma from the incident who states that “It’s time to fully recognize the actions of the officers on that day.”

Psaki said she would have to check on the status of the letter, adding that “obviously, the president’s view is that there are a number of officers who lost their lives, paid a tremendous sacrifice on a day that will be a stain on our democracy for many years to come and certainly many who survived,” said Psaki. “This will be a long lasting trauma.” more

22 Comments on Puhsaki falsely claims ‘a number of officers’ died January 6 on Capitol Hill

  1. Did she name names? If not, it didn’t happen, or she said she’d “circle back to you later with the names?” It’s embarrassing, the stupidity being shown from the WH. I was embarrassed by the Obama’s, I’m equally as embarrassed with Biden.

  2. That whole demonstration was a major mistake.

    It wasn’t intended that way, but it was.

    It works against on a continuing basis.

    But no one seems to want to admit it.

    That’s why they’re in charge and we aren’t.

  3. @anon

    Obviously there were many false flag operations in motion that day. It was a set up.

    I have been to at least two dozen conservative protests up on Capitol Hill. Nobody acted out like that. Ever.

    This is pure bullshit. Antifa/BLM could easily have gone to nearby Union Station and bought MAGA gear.

    Did some people get carried away in the mayhem? Sure.
    But to let the left control the narrative is a huge mistake.

  4. I’m Just happy National Guardsmen didn’t die of Boredom & rotted food the was given to them by Democrat sympathetic contractors etc.

  5. Lies like this will be repeated ad infinitum by liberal “Republicans”! Naming only a few liberal names, ONLY A FEW, Adam, Liz, Mitt, + Tony G (twice).

    this will be 1,000 times worse if the taxpayers have to pay $millions for conservative haters to run “Commission”!

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