Pull Up A Chaise, Canadian Libs Are Fighting – IOTW Report

Pull Up A Chaise, Canadian Libs Are Fighting

Yahoo.ca: A candidate in the  leadership race is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to retract his reference to “one nation,” made during his Canada Day address.

Martine Ouellet, a former Quebec cabinet minister, shared a video of the address on her Facebook page on Saturday.

Trudeau tells Canadians that “Today, we celebrate the day, exactly 149 years ago, when the people of this great land came together, and forged one nation, one country – Canada.”

Ouellet accuses Trudeau of “reinventing history” by referring to one nation.

“It’s an direct insult to the Quebec nation, an insult to everything our heritage represents,” Ouellet wrote in the post.

“Justin Trudeau has to retract and recognize the Quebec nation.”

Is Quebec a nation?

Whether Quebec constitutes a nation has long been a source of controversy. The question is related to the province’s constitutional status and was at the heart of the failed Meech Lake Accord.     MORE

2 Comments on Pull Up A Chaise, Canadian Libs Are Fighting

  1. As a “have not” province, Quebec has received more tax income “transferred” (read: confiscated from profitable provinces) than any other. Please leave, we’ll send you the tab you owe the rest of us. We will all become immediately wealthier as we will no longer need to be an officially bilingual country. Our products will no longer need to be made in “Canadian compliant” packaging so the economies of scale will drop the costs. We can eliminate 1/2 the Federal Government paperwork and 1/3 of the employees.

    Oh and the “superior” attitude (as seen in the article) will be tossed on it’s head. Quebequois French is the “Scouse/Cockney/Jive/Bayou” equivalent to Engllish, it’s all slang and weird pronunciations which delineate a bastardization/devolution of language…yeah…it’s their “French culture”….one that people in France can’t understand. Biggest shock for them visiting Paris is being asked to shut-up and speak English as their French can”t be understood….Hahahaha…true story.

    There are some lovely people and awesome Quebecers but the attitude in the article of entitlement and “a unique superiority of culture” is a National joke.

  2. I don’t believe in illegal imprisonment.
    Let Quebec join with Puerto Rico and form their own, unique, mongrel nation.
    They can speak a “cajun/spick” patois, while they descend into anarchy, starvation, pestilence, and death.

    Really, Canada, would you miss em?
    Even a little bit?

    Would we miss Puerto Rico?
    Even a little bit?

    izlamo delenda est …

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