Punxsutawney Phil Forecasts Early Spring – IOTW Report

Punxsutawney Phil Forecasts Early Spring

Breitbart: The Pennsylvania groundhog known as America’s most famous weather forecaster — Punxsutawney Phil — did not see his shadow Saturday morning, forecasting an early spring.

Punxsutawney Phil and his top hat-wearing comrades revealed their weather predictions to the public Saturday morning at sunrise, although the group decides on Phil’s forecast ahead of time on a tiny hill called Gobbler’s Knob, located in western Pennsylvania 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.  more here

13 Comments on Punxsutawney Phil Forecasts Early Spring

  1. Screw that Phil… and his dick-bag cousin Gus the PA Lottery mascot… I keep playing the damned Powerball and I never f*&^ing win. Dirty bastards both of them. Last year, I released 42 of Phil and Gus’s relatives from their mortal coil. I plan on repeating the process this year… just me, the SAKO, a lawn chair and a good book… I hope spring comes early. 🙂


    That rat’s predictions make NO DIFFERENCE WHAT SO EVER. Spring comes at the beginning of May every freakin’ year!

  3. Well, when we look at what we elect to the House and Senate, it’s little wonder that we depend on a rodent to keep an eye on all that Globaloney Warming Bullshit.

    Maybe he’ll announce that he’s running for the Presidency in the Demonrat Partei, too? Shit, everybody else has … plenty of room in the Demonrat Klown Kar.

    izlamo delenda est …


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