Puppets and Oil – IOTW Report

Puppets and Oil

10 Comments on Puppets and Oil

  1. Ukraine, pay attention and vote these grifting louts out of our government!!!

    It’s ALL Global Kabuki theater: clown show cabinet lead by WEEKEND AT BIDEN’S commie puppeteers.

  2. Buying oil from Russia, Venezuela and Iran was always part of the Biden plan.

    Shut down American energy production.
    To support and pay for Russia’s war on Ukraine, support terrorists by paying Iran for oil and support Socialists in Venezuela.
    Biden continues to destroy the United States.

    Where does this end?

  3. Biden is also building up the Iranian war machine by doing so. Weapons dealers are loving this. Our CIA Swamp is loving it also. It’s a real booster shot for future middle east attacks on Israel.

  4. “We’re transitioning to a green energy plan.” said the energy czar. So in the meantime if you have an ICE you’re SOL. They don’t give 2 squirts for the common man and need to be put on the list when anarchy breaks out.

  5. “Green” energy is a straight-up hoax.
    Hydro-Carbons are the most efficient way to store energy (outside of nuclear) and all the lies and bullshit in the Solar System won’t change that.
    Efficient in both cost and BTUs/lb.
    Nuclear is, of course, more efficient, but it’s being regulated to death – licensing costs alone make the break-even point years ahead.

    What these “green” maggots are doing is destroying the economy – PERIOD – they have no intention of giving up THEIR private jets and limos – their single aim is turning America into a subsistence economy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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