Purple Heart? Don’t Make Them Wait – IOTW Report

Purple Heart? Don’t Make Them Wait

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” ~Winston Churchill

purple heart


[…] While previously Obama had the White House decked out in the rainbow flag themed lights in a show of solidarity of the Supreme Court ruling for gay “marriage” the very same night as the ruling, it took Obama over 5 days before he thought to lower the White House flags to half-mast in honor of 5 heroes who were murdered, again on American soil. Many Americans and some Governors lowered their flags as soon as the news broke. The White House took Five Days. That’s disgraceful- but from this administration, not surprising.


2 Comments on Purple Heart? Don’t Make Them Wait

  1. A Purple Heart implicates combat action and therefore implicates war. Sir Golfs-a-lot cannot be envisioned as a war-time president so, they have to play this out for a long time as they did in the Ft. Hood killings. It will appear as making a concession to public pressure rather than doing the right thing in the begining. That way they (he) won’t look embarassed. It’s all about his image. His legacy.

    He WILL go down as one of the most dispised presidents in our nation’s history.

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