Pushback rises as Biden admin seeks to monitor all bank accounts as part of $3.5 trillion package – IOTW Report

Pushback rises as Biden admin seeks to monitor all bank accounts as part of $3.5 trillion package


Opposition is rising to a measure that is included in a massive $3.5 trillion spending bill authorizing the federal government through the IRS to monitor every single bank account, ostensibly to reduce tax fraud.

Supporters of the proposal, which includes most congressional Democrats and the Biden administration, say it is necessary to help finance the spending package and would help raise hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade.

Nevertheless, privacy rights advocates are concerned the provision encroaches on the Fourth Amendment, while banks are largely opposed to the measure because it imposes significant new reporting requirements, the Daily Mail noted. Also, opponents say such a measure would hurt poor Americans most while causing others who have the means to move their assets to offshore accounts. read more

28 Comments on Pushback rises as Biden admin seeks to monitor all bank accounts as part of $3.5 trillion package

  1. Let’s require banks to do this. They would then get to deduct the cost of doing this as a business expense, meaning they would pay less taxes. In the end, the government would lose money because of this requirement.

    Of course, the purpose of this requirement has no more to do with fighting tax fraud than mask and jab mandates have to do with public health.

    They just don’t want us to forget who’s boss.

  2. Everything will be tied to your vaccine compliance, ultimately. They will freeze and eventually confiscate your finances. Everything is “infrastructure” and you cannot exist separately from it.

    It will happen.

  3. Each day that goes on The Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence becomes irrelevant. 😢

    Lord have mercy we are living in dire times, please bring the corruption to light and the rightful President DJT. 🙏

  4. Every Bank account will be monitored EXCEPT for congress critters and any government union employees that demand to be exempted. Written into every “law” they pass it seems.

  5. “I believe this ‘Fourth Amendment’ you refer to is part of a document that now only exists in the National Archives.”

    That’s true, and I shit you not, the National Archive slapped a Dangerous Content label on it.

  6. This is plainly the taking of inventory of where all the cash is. Those of us who lived within our means, i.e. conservatives, so we don’t have to sponge or eat out of garbage cans, are being ‘cased’, by ordinary criminals with extraordinary powers.

    If Biden wants to create a bank run, he’s edging up to it quickly. There are no means he won’t resort to.

    If he even hints that he’s eyeing my stash, he’ll find it hiding…next to my lead.

  7. Oh, incidentally, much of the money that was confiscated from me over the years can be found on pallets that Obama/Biden sent to Iran and afghanistan over the years.

    Be careful, asswipe.

  8. It appears that the Democrats are officially becoming the “anti-Constitution” party. Perhaps the GOP should rebrand into the Constitution party (though we’d have to get rid of a couple of RINOs and GOPe).

  9. If these Socialist Communists have their eyes on our money, the writing is on the wall that they plan on stealing it! That’s what they do and the United States is the biggest plum on the planet!!
    Yo Venezuela!
    Hold my beer!

  10. Turdeau & Canuckistan did this within 6 weeks of the first shut down.
    Every Company that got any rent assistance signed that they allow the Feds to Monitor transactions.

    I have said it BEFORE & will repeat it many more times: The Globalist Demos are FOLLOWING the EU, England & the Commonwealth & ChYnA!

    You want to know where you are going friends?


    Cradle to Grave government intervention.
    Gun Control.
    Hiring based on Diversity not Merit.
    High fuel cost = Limiting human travel.

    Whu Flu was just the excuse to implement it.
    (and given ChYnA’s sloppy record, PREDICTABLE. That is why Fauci Funded a loose, filthy, poorly built Lab!

  11. Of course this proposal automatically exempts all the illegal aliens, and the marijuana farmers who deal strictly with cash. You should see all the “spanish speakers” around here driving around in brand new high-end cars and trucks.

  12. That way they know how much they can steal from your savings, IRA, and 401k when they create a National Retirement Fund to replace the Social Security fund they’ve already stolen from.

  13. The depraved Biden and accomplices will think of every trick and issue out every reason to encroach upon the privacy and free will of the American citizenry, a typical hitler tactic. There should be no doubt that he in his broke-down brain, wants to ‘fund’ his lifelong memberships both in the klan groups and pedophile rings he belongs to.

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