Pushed on age, Biden says Winston Churchill was older. He wasn’t – IOTW Report

Pushed on age, Biden says Winston Churchill was older. He wasn’t


Joe Biden defended his age during the Democratic presidential primary debate by saying he would be younger at the end of his first term than Winston Churchill when he left office as British prime minister.

Churchill, who was prime minister during World War II and died in 1965, left office as prime minister in 1955 when he was 81. Biden, who is turned 77 in November, would be 82 in 2024 and 86 in 2028. If elected, Biden, at 78 years and 51 days old, would be the oldest U.S. president ever to occupy the Oval Office

Ronald Reagan, who was widely mocked for his advanced age and did eventually succumb to Alzheimer’s, was the oldest person ever elected to the White House. He was 73 years and 274 days old when he won his second term. By the time he left office, Reagan was 77 years and 349 days old. His son Ron said he was suffering from dementia while in office.

Former vice president Biden is the current Democratic front-runner. He struggled with gaining speaking time during the debate. read more

SNIP: Just so you know, Ron Reagan Jr. is a spiteful, flaming Prog.

16 Comments on Pushed on age, Biden says Winston Churchill was older. He wasn’t

  1. I am convinced there is something wrong with the frontal lobes of the democRAT brain.
    Biden sez whutever the little rat running in the wheel tells him to say.
    She-Who-Hunts-At-Whole-Foods is incapable of telling the truth.
    Eric Swalwell farts in front of the nation.
    Etc, etc. These people just aren’t right!

  2. Dementia is an easy slur for any older person with whom you disagree. But when you regularly forget what state you are in you shouldn’t run for the most powerful office in the world.
    And it’s not like Joe was too bright to start with.

  3. I think the reason the Bush named Ron hated his dad was their names were different. He hated his dad probably from the time he was old enough to understand he was not JR! In ’67 the LATimes did a series of “news” on how bad our Guv was. Their lead source was the Bush Ron. The real Bush Clan has hated Ronny since “Voodoo Economica” 40 years ago.

    Like GWB the other Ron will hat the real Ronny til he dies.

  4. WSC – one of the greatest persons who ever lived. Saw the Nazis early on for their evil philosophy and acts. His acid tongue won him legions of enemies, but he spoke the truth. He was a magnificent speaker in Parliamentary debate. He usually had the right word or phrase readily available and he used them like weapons.

    He wasn’t perfect. He made lots of mistakes like we all do. But by God he was the right man in 1940 when he became PM and rallied Britain. Nobody else could have done it.

    Joe Biden couldn’t rally an alcoholic to take another drink of cheap whiskey and get paid $20 for doing it.


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