“PUT THOSE DAMN FLAGS AWAY!” – Rep Anna Paulina Luna Scolds Democrats Chanting “UKRAINE, UKRAINE!” and Waving Ukraine Flags – IOTW Report

“PUT THOSE DAMN FLAGS AWAY!” – Rep Anna Paulina Luna Scolds Democrats Chanting “UKRAINE, UKRAINE!” and Waving Ukraine Flags


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna told the Democrats who were kissing up to Ukraine and waving foreign flags on our soil after unanimously voting to send Ukraine another $60 billion to “put those damn flags away” on Saturday.

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Saturday, The House of Representatives passed three bills to hand out money to Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and other non-U.S. involved conflict zones around the world — with nothing for Americans.

See the full list of RINOs who voted to secure Ukraine’s and other foreign borders before our own: more

9 Comments on “PUT THOSE DAMN FLAGS AWAY!” – Rep Anna Paulina Luna Scolds Democrats Chanting “UKRAINE, UKRAINE!” and Waving Ukraine Flags

  1. Chip Roy, whom I have my problems with, was on Bannons show today. He claims only about 40% of that 95 BILLION is earmarked for “Lethal Weapons”. Where the hell is the rest of that money going? Maybe that’s why they’re cheering. They’re all rich. There’s no accounting demanded on any of this. Again. What a Fing joke.

  2. We have no representation. There is only one political party. America is no more. Changing this in November thru ballots is a pipe dream. Our congress is “owned” by the Khazars.

    Good for Luna. Not nearly enough “Lunas” voting.


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