Putin Backtracks – Says U.S. Military Is “Most Powerful In The World” & “Nobody Is Arguing With That” – IOTW Report

Putin Backtracks – Says U.S. Military Is “Most Powerful In The World” & “Nobody Is Arguing With That”

AMN: On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin weighed in on all of the latest talk about the world’s nuclear weapons and his previous statements about Russia’s military being “stronger than any potential aggressor.” In front of reporters at his annual news conference in Moscow, Putin said that “nobody is arguing with” the fact that the U.S. military is “the most powerful in the world.”

On Thursday, Vladimir Putin spoke to his defense ministry and praised them for their hard work. He reassured the group that Russia was militarily strong and was “stronger than any potential aggressor.”

In response to Putin’s claim, State Department Spokesman John Kirby told reporters during a Press briefing that “America has every right to be proud of the men and women that are wearing the uniform and protecting their interests around the world and their ability to do it.”

He also added that he didn’t “think in all of human history there has ever been a military as capable and as intelligent, as strong, as well-led, as well-resourced, as the United States military is today.”

Putin responded to Kirby’s comments and clarified that when he was talking about “potential aggressors” he was not talking about the United States.  more here

11 Comments on Putin Backtracks – Says U.S. Military Is “Most Powerful In The World” & “Nobody Is Arguing With That”

  1. He’s sees the cabinet Trump is putting together, reads what Trump says about increasing the credibility of our nuclear deterant, and this is what results.

    Putin respects Trump as much as Trump respects Putin, and both know that a well armed society (world) is a polite one.

    Without even being sworn in Trump has done more to bolster US security and credibility in the world than anyone in 12 years.

  2. The dialogue has changed because Trump is Trump; there is a new respect, an awakening or realization that there is a true leader in the wings and because of that, less bulls**t on the world stage from the leaders who matter. The others? They will learn soon enough.

  3. I understand that about this time every year, Putin has one of these Q&A sessions. Don’t know how long this one lasted but a couple years ago one went for four hours. Can you imagine Obama lasting twenty minutes even with the softballs he gets?

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