Putin Endorses Joe Biden for President! (Not a Joke)  – IOTW Report

Putin Endorses Joe Biden for President! (Not a Joke) 

Mark Dice has the deets.

8 Comments on Putin Endorses Joe Biden for President! (Not a Joke) 

  1. Shitpants and all his asskissing loser friends in NATO and the EU have openly declared war on Russia and Putin specifically. They have waged this war SO STUPIDLY that they have their own countries near bankruptcy,shredding billions, they have admitted to both depleting their own ammo and being incapable of producing timely replacement, they have turned the citizens of their own countries against them, and they’ve pledged to continue all this self-destruction “for as long as it takes”.

    Who wouldn’t want such a woodheaded chump for his “nemesis”?!?! If the US must be his enemy, he would prefer it run by Woody Woodpecker. Putin’s momma didn’t raise a fool.

    It makes for a great Irish Prayer: May your enemy be a ‘box of rocks’. An incontinent box of rocks!


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