Putin Hints JFK Was Murdered By The “Deep State” Which Is Now After Trump And Russia – IOTW Report

Putin Hints JFK Was Murdered By The “Deep State” Which Is Now After Trump And Russia

Zero Hedge: In Megyn Kelly’s much anticipated interview with Vladimir Putin for her debut episode of NBC’s “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly”, the Russian President said he never met Donald Trump during his business trips to Russia (including Trump’s 2013 visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant), stated that he was unaware of any proposal from Jared Kushner to set up an alleged “secret line” of communications between the Trump administration and the Russian government, and that it’s “nonsense” to say Russia has collected compromising material about Trump among many other topics covered in the 7 minute interview (see below).

“I am not aware of such a proposal,” Putin said referring to Kushner’s alleged proposal. “No such proposal ever reached me.” Putin said many CEOs of major U.S. companies visit Russia and then asked rhetorically, “do you think we’re gathering dirt on all of them right now or something?” Putin asked, before saying: “Have you all lost your mind?”

While previously the NYT and WaPo reported that Kushner discussed the idea of creating a secret channel to discuss the crisis in Syria, with Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak in December, the line was never established, according to a source cited by Bloomberg. A secret line with Russia – which H.R. McMaster said is a normal thing in diplomatic relations with international counterparties – could have allowed the Trump transition team and Russian officials to communicate outside of the scrutiny of the departing Obama administration. It’s become a centerpiece of the questions swirling around Trump and his campaign and possible ties to Russia.

Putin also said that his nation had no channels of communication with the campaigns of either Trump or Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but that there may have been official contacts, which he called a “standard diplomatic practice.”

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14 Comments on Putin Hints JFK Was Murdered By The “Deep State” Which Is Now After Trump And Russia

  1. but he didn’t deny colluding with hillary personally did he ?

    he just denied having collusion with her campaign.

    well, msm, there is your smoking gun, right ?

    msm are officially all asshats now.

  2. Putin might be covering up to protect his most valuable espionage asset -Trump! Michael Moore will get to the truth in his new movie, starring Kathy Griffin and Alec Baldwin featuring a cameo by Bill Marr.

  3. The best line: Have you all lost your minds? LOL
    No President Putin, just the MSM and the Democratic party. Especially Maxine Waters, Nancy Peloisi, Chuck Shumer, and many more.

  4. That would explain the media’s recent dredging up of Oswald’s meeting at the Soviet embassy in Mexico City, weeks before the assasssination of JFK. The Soviets knew Oswald was a loose cannon, possibly even a deep state patsy, and they wanted no part of him. And the deep state is still to this day using that meeting to insinuate collusion.

  5. I wish Russia would release anything it has on these left wing cult leaders. What does it know about Obama’s student record and passport that Obama spent millions to hide? Does it have any of Hillary’s missing emails? What does it know about JFK assassination?

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