Putin is a big fan of Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Putin is a big fan of Donald Trump

“He’s a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt. It’s not our job to judge his qualities, that’s a job for American voters, but he’s the absolute leader in the presidential race,” Putin said.

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27 Comments on Putin is a big fan of Donald Trump

  1. I personally see it as neutral. I don’t think any world leader has any reason to have any respect for Obama because he didn’t do anything worthwhile before he became president and he has proven himself to be worthless as an ally and a pushover as an enemy.

    Putin’s remarks just tell me that he knows that Donald Trump is an accomplished individual in his own right and he at least has some valid qualifications to be the leader of America. I’m a little more worried about the Donald’s remarks about “getting along with Putin” than anything Putin said. Of course that may simply mean that he will deal with Putin as needed from a position of being the strong leader of the free world (unlike Obama has).

  2. I bet Putin is saying that hoping it causes us to think twice about Trump. How could we vote for a guy that a communist dictator endorses. Putin would like nothing better than to have hillary or bernie in office.

  3. Brad got it. Putin is a warrior, not a good guy, but a warrior nevertheless. He respects manliness. I believe he has only contempt for Obama. Remember when Obama told Putin’s envoy I’ll have more flexibility after the election? And the envoy said he would relay that message to Vlad. I’m sure Putin said to his cappos , this guy is only worried about his reelection, not his country. Which, in my opinion, turns out to be true. The Benghazi cover-up also helped his reelection. But nobody in the US media wondered, as I did, what Obama meant about “more flexibility. The media just don’t care, and they really have no interest in Benghazi
    I think Trump could control Putin and the world would be better off.

  4. Of course the leftist scumbags will twist the respect that Putin has vocalized for Tromp as a “bad” thing. Even though they tell us we need to get along with our enemies and build bridges, cross the isle, work together to get things done, blah blah blah. It wont apply here because its Trompo.

    Interesting which tyrants the American leftists choose to admire. The Castros are good commie tyrants that odinga praises, (they hate Trompo) but Putin is a bad commie, he takes Tromp seriously.

    I think that Putin has recognized that the fall of America into the hands of communism as a Russian outpost would have been lovely, but never achievable. He is now witnessing the muslime filth rapidly accomplishing what Russia has been unable to do despite decades of effort and they are not getting one ounce of resistence. Instead, they are being invited to destroy America by our politicians.

    Putin absolutely prefers a free and capitalist America that does not pose a threat to him, governed by and a majority of its citizens being, civilized white Christians instead of an America controlled by the muslime dogs. If the muslime dogs ever get any portion of control of America like they have in Europe he knows it will be the end of the planet.

  5. Putin is a master manipulator and opportunist. He knows and respects a worthy opponent. Trump will be a challenge for Putin who only cares about how much ground, (politically and literally) he can gain.
    Barry must have thrown himself on his bed and cried bitter tears when he found out Putin’s serious man crush is on Trump.

  6. Trumps a very smart man. He would steer Putin but leave Putin’s dignity in tact. That’s a negotiator, that’s a winner, that’s Trump. He gets it. Why do I feel like singing “It’s a Mans World”. But it’s true, on Putins level.

  7. I was edited on lefty site today twice.

    First I simply said; Putin > Obama

    This message posted and came out in text exactly as I wrote it. When I stumbled by the thread later my post read; Putin Obama.

    So I then commented; Whats so wrong about saying, Putin is greater than Obama?

    This message posted and came out in text exactly as I wrote it, as it did earlier. An hour later I saw my post now read; Whats so wrong about saying, Putin Obama?

  8. Putin hates moslems. Moslems are bad for everybody. Maybe he’s tired of being the only force other than Israel that is actually fighting iSis.
    Trump would make the world a safer place. What’s not to like about that?

    And Putin knows that 0bama is never to be trusted. Trump, on the other hand, is a man of his word – for the most part.

  9. From UK’s “TheTelegraph” newspaper story:

    “At the time of Reagan’s visit, Mr Putin was serving as a mid-ranking KGB spy in the East German city of Dresden and as such was not important enough to be recalled to Moscow for such a job, unless he was already on holiday.

    Perhaps more tellingly, the man in the photograph appears to have a thicker head of hair than Mr. Putin ever did.

    He also seems too thin. Mr. Putin claims that he put on a lot of weight while he was in Dresden because he drank 3.8 litres (6.5 pints) of beer a week.”


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