Putin Says He Supports Kamala Harris in U.S. Presidential Election – IOTW Report

Putin Says He Supports Kamala Harris in U.S. Presidential Election

She Has Such an Expressive and Contagious Laughter

Trump introduced so many restrictions and sanctions against Russia, like no other president had ever introduced before him. And if Ms. Harris is doing well, perhaps she will refrain from doing anything like that,” he said.

19 Comments on Putin Says He Supports Kamala Harris in U.S. Presidential Election

  1. Anyone who has been following the NATO/Ukraine/Russia debacle knows that Putin wants Trump to be the President. He knows that Trump will rein in NATO and Ukraine to end the conflict.

    Putin is just making fun of Kamala and Joe.

  2. Can you imagine someone of Putin’s stature and experience being reduced to sitting in talks with Commie Harris? Like him or hate him, he’s a World Leader that demands respect and she’s a silly cow

  3. Liberals and their media will go into a Flaming Tizzy Fit over this.

    Maybe Putin just likes the way she shows her chompers when she laughs…from the side, she looks like a braying mule.

    In any future meetings with her he just wants something to laugh at.

  4. Trump will end this STUPID Ukraine CorruptionFest which will only piss off the gluttonous Uniparty THIEVES. The rest of the entire planet will be better off for it. (never forget that the US sabotage of the NordStream Pipeline was an ecological disaster)
    Putin can stop spending money defending his country.

    Kamala OTOH, will continue the STUPIDITY of the sharp-as-pudding Shitpants foreign policy team which ENRICHED Russia and the BRICS by IMPOVERISHING the NATO and EU morons.

  5. Putin sees the current USA as drug-addled, uneducated, and without religious or moral purpose. (he’s not wrong)

    A cackling whore as its Leader would be most fitting.

  6. Putin is clowning the Deep State oligarchy ruling the US. He considers them inferior amateur hour communists.
    Of course he wants President Trump back, but he plans on gaslighting the Deep State and their puppet KamalMao if she becomes President.


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