Putting the “Green” in Green Party – IOTW Report

Putting the “Green” in Green Party

Patriot Retort: You know, I stupidly thought the “green” in Green Party had to do with the environment.

Thanks to Jill Stein, I now know the truth.

“Green” in Stein’s case means cash. Lots and lots of cash.

Well, money does make the world go ’round.

The failed third party candidate has decided to raise money ostensibly to fund a recount in states that Donald Trump won that typically go to Democrats.


Who the hell knows.

The interesting thing is Stein has been raising cash to cover the costs of these alleged recounts. And every single time she meets the stated dollar goal, rather than stop, she raises the goal.

Don’t believe me?

Check out this post from Zero Hedge. He actually supplies the screen captures showing that every time Jill Stein hit the dollar amount necessary, the dollar amount necessary mysteriously increases.

So, with nearly $5mm raised so far, the question is no longer whether recounts will occur in WI, MI and PA but just how much Jill Stein will be able to drain from the pockets of disaffected Hillary supporters to fund her long-shot efforts.

All that said, here is Jill Stein admitting to CNN that she has absolutely no evidence of election hacking….even though she asks that you please keep sending your money anyway.


6 Comments on Putting the “Green” in Green Party

  1. I think it’s great she’s also going to have the results in NV, NH and MN recounted too as they were even closer then WI & PA…wait..what? She’s not?

    And her campaign ran over a year and she managed to eke out about a $3 million war chest yet in 24+ hours she raises almost $5 million??? White phone for George Soros, please pick up.

    I know this is exactly the REgressive MO, which is to just get your hands on the recount and then keep recounting until that missing box of ballots turns up. I really hate to sound complacent but yawn, this isn’t Norm Coleman on the receiving end.

  2. She must suffer from common core math. Had she pulled out of the running, HRC may have won. Third party candidates ROB votes from other candidates, Jill. She didn’t rob the GOP candidate, ergo, a direct hit on HRC.

    But, I would love to follow the money trail on her recount funds. HRC PAC s? Clinton Mafia funds? I would hope that the recounts are strictly monitored by representatives of both sides.

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