‘Q’ – Time to come forward – IOTW Report

‘Q’ – Time to come forward

American Thinker:

As all of you know, “Q” has become very popular with some conservatives.  You — or a friend — may be a follower.  It does get people involved in politics, and they learn a little history along the way.

Followers generally believe that Q is a group of individuals with military intelligence access, with some involved in government communications; it is also believed that some members of Congress, the president, and other prominent individuals are involved in varying degrees.

It is considered a backdoor of communication with the public, thus avoiding the “I know better than you” liberal media.

If the above is true, Q is helping America, but there are issues.

The delivery system is horrendous.  The messages are cryptic and resemble a horoscope.  Q-followers must decipher the meaning.  Even for the most intelligent person, this leaves a lot of room for interpretation or lack thereof. MORE HERE

25 Comments on ‘Q’ – Time to come forward

  1. I am not a Q follower, but don’t the thirty thousand sealed indictments that started being opened a few months ago mean something? I know that most of them deal with child trafficking but theoretically ensnares some pretty powerful individuals… not better to keep it on the qt until opening? I don’t know anything. Just wondering.

  2. Has any actual useful information of valid prediction ever come from “Q”?

    If so what are they (and I’m not talking about Nostradamus style stuff that can be interpreted retrospectively to suit your purpose).

    I quit paying any attention to Q a long time ago because I didn’t find anything of real use in it. Seemed more like the stuff meant to let people fuel their own conspiracy beliefs than valid information.

    If I’m wrong correct me so I can start looking at it again.

  3. Yeah, “trust the plan”. What plan? I tried to keep up with Q for a while. It’s like trying to figure out what Sessions and now Barr are doing. Bah, talk to me when you grow up.

    Never place your trust in things of man. God is the only trustworthy One to follow. My prayers are answered when I pray in his will and believe he will answer. I’ve been praying for God’s mercy to fall on our country, not just to elect President Trump again, but for God to help him clean up the government.

    God needs to shine his light of Truth on those people and plans that live and fester in the darkness. Only God can do that and that is my prayer to him.

    If Q wants to help, have at it. God can use you, too.

  4. Whoever or whatever Q is or was, it’s undeniable that Q raised an awareness in probably millions of people that otherwise wouldn’t have been as involved with domestic and world affairs as they are now. Q could disappear today, never to be heard from again, and I think a worthwhile purpose was served.

  5. A bunch of nonsense but as correctly stated, I have two people very close to me who are “Q” followers. I won’t criticize the movement publicly because they are patriots who support our president but it’s some of the most ridiculous nonsense I’ve ever come across.

  6. The real value in Q is the civilian intelligence community network that was formed around him/them. 4Chan and 8chan. And by the way, none of those computer geeks voted for Trump in 2016. But they all will in 2020.

  7. I think that the opinion piece was written by Q. He is telling us he is real and the plan will be public soon. Hillary will be arrested and sent to Gitmo with Obama, oh and Bill Gates is the Anti-Christ

  8. Q?!?!

    I NEVER like that bastard. In fact, the only time I ever cared for him, was that Deep Space 9 episode, where Sisko punched his lights out! 😀

    Although the series finale of “Next Generation” was pretty cool…

  9. Conspiracy theories (Q spiel) are always better than facts. The more intangible the better. Hints of what you always suspected, leavened with a “plan” that is occult, seasoned with a hint of knowledge withheld.

    Wonder which college psychology department this is being run out of? I’m sure the results so far have been hugely amusing.

  10. The only Q I know and (hardly) follow to see what he’s up to is Brian Q Quinn from Impractical Jokers.

    As for mysteries and riddles. Not a fan.
    Tell me what you have, tell me what you know, or STFU.
    Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.

  11. As some have stated, if “Q” opened the minds of people to at least take some time to research for themselves various subjects, then I would say its a net plus. I went down the rabbit hole almost 20 years ago when I saw a video saying tower 7 had fallen and it was still standing in the background of the bbc news feed. To simply question anything you’re being told by those that control the narrative isn’t a conspiracy. The down time free thinking people have had during this china flu has backfired for those who sought to keep the curtain closed. Like my Father told me growing up, don’t believe anything you read, and only half of what you see.

  12. I couldn’t help but to be struck by the irony that the author, A. Reaper is the pseudonym of a businessman who wishes to remain anonymous, is writing about QAnon.

    I’ve started following Gab, and see various tweets from his followers. There’s some interesting material out there, but his posts on 8kun are too confusing to follow.

  13. I am a Qanon since January 2017. Lots to learn and research on that site and there are some wicked smart researchers there who can find answers to almost any question. I trust the plan.

  14. I don’t really do the Q thing, but kinda understand it.

    But? Did Q predict Quarantine? Just asking the right questions…

    What’s wrong with bringing in people that NEVER really did politics prior to Q?? THAT are NOW into American Conservatism??

    Because THAT is what it is.

    Q IS NOT liberal/leftist Democrat or other, so why not support it?? In it’s theories?? Confusing and all?

    Let the riddle solvers have their own sense of fun and participation!!!

    And the other thing, I have found by reading about it?

    GOD AND COUNTRY and a sense of solidarity with the WWg1Wegoall or whatever it is…I like it.

    Again, “What’s wrong with that?” – Violet Bic

  15. I follow Q. I’m not a nut but I like Preying Medic and his calm demeanor. Helps with the accepting of what Q is telling us or giving us hints. Listen, there is no black and white (no pun intended) with this sh-t. Pray and God will help us all.

    God Bless us all!


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