Quarantine Slaughterhouse: Numbers Are Coming in on Non-COVID Deaths During Lockdowns – IOTW Report

Quarantine Slaughterhouse: Numbers Are Coming in on Non-COVID Deaths During Lockdowns

As the nation all-too slowly emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic nightmare we’ve endured for over two years, we are only beginning to get data back on the myriad horrors brought about by shortsighted policies that were forced upon us in the name of public health.

None of it is pretty.

One would presume that public health policy would protect or foster some sort of, you know, health. Alas, since the government is involved, words don’t always mean what they’re supposed to.

In the rush to mitigate the spread of the COVID virus, public health policy could have best been described as a lot of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This was understandable and forgivable in the early stages of the pandemic when officials didn’t have any idea about what they were dealing with. As the pandemic wore on, however, it became more about exercising power than saving lives.

Take school shutdowns, for example. Teachers’ unions fought tooth and nail to keep schools closed, acting as if they were on the front lines in the battle of Fallujah and in mortal peril. The consequences for the kids were never taken into account. We’re just beginning to find out about some of the damage that was done. There is no way that the post mortem news on this subject is going to get any better. MORE HERE

9 Comments on Quarantine Slaughterhouse: Numbers Are Coming in on Non-COVID Deaths During Lockdowns

  1. That’s IF anyone is around who actually took the poison jab…

    They’re dying like flies…

    AIDS infestation coming… from the poison jab… mark my words… Heart attacks already here, plus other ailments…


    The total carnage from lockdowns & bad Policies & Isolation

    And most of the teachers ARE SELFISH COWARDS!
    (obviously there are many exceptions)

    Afraid to touch a pencil & have a coffee in the staff room while they forget that WW1, WW2 etc. was fought by kids in trenches.

  3. “Frontline Doctor: Millions Will Get AIDS From COVID Vax By The Fall”
    Let me guess Fauci AIDS meds will lessen the severity, so long as you take it the rest of your life.

  4. This AIDS stuff, I just read a girl who said her Grandmother who is 68 years old, been married to the same man for almost 50 years, never had a blood transfusion was just diagnosed with AIDS. She linked to an article about the shots and AIDS. Even her doctor believes that is the only explanation, her husband tested negative, he refused the shots, she got two, but refused the booster.

  5. In the rush to mitigate the spread of the COVID virus

    This. Is a lie.

    Not a “mistake”. Not a “euphemism”. A direct, intentional lie. (Making those that spread it…)

    “COVID” is not the first corona virus. Nor will it be the last. Any different response to it, than the “scientific” response to the last corona virus, than the expected response was to “the next” corona virus, has nothing to do with “COVID”.


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