Queasy Congressional Task Force Sits on Physical Evidence – IOTW Report

Queasy Congressional Task Force Sits on Physical Evidence

Able Child

It’s been two months since numerous investigations were begun into the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It’s no surprise that all these bloated but well-funded investigative entities have produced no new information since what was made public the day of the shooting. Nothing. NADA, Zip. A big hole in a donut!

And, worse, the Congressional Investigative body, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump, which promises to provide its findings no later than December 13 of this year, reports that it has received important physical information, but it’s anyone’s guess when or if it will be released to the public. How is this possible?

It took the Task Force almost two months to even request important physical evidence, including but not limited to the alleged shooter’s autopsy report, the Butler County Coroner’s report, the toxicology report, and all documents relating to recovery of Crooks body from the roof of the AGR Building.

Pennsylvania Congressman and Task Force Chairman, Mike Kelly, reported that the Task Force had finally received the autopsy and told the press that its grisly details are “gruesome.” The Chairman also reported that the autopsy should not be seen by those who “don’t have a strong stomach” and, he said “the autopsy, there’s a warning that goes with it…it’s pretty graphic.” Hello? Autopsies are supposed to be graphic. How is this guy the Chairman of this investigative body? more here

16 Comments on Queasy Congressional Task Force Sits on Physical Evidence

  1. Any Citizen of the United States might be summoned for Jury Duty. If any of these congress critters ever served on a jury they might’ve been shocked at the gruesome evidence presented by the prosecutor at a murder trial .

  2. So will this be as big a whitewash as the Warren Commission? Do we call this the Robert’s Commission? YES, THE GOVERNMENT DID THIS. EVERYONE from Biden down about 20 levels in the government is a TRAITOR. MOST Of America already knows this. Just confirm it and throw them ALL in jail.

  3. That’s a really lame excuse cop-out. A pussy with a weak stomach assumes we’re all fellow pussies with weak stomachs. GFY, Mikey. We all know the real reason is that the more actual information released, the greater the likelihood someone will figure out what really happened and who was/is really involved the assassination plot.

  4. Dude, its not your job to decide if people can handle reading an autopsy report. Autopsy reports are public documents in most places, and the law doesnt specify that the Coroner’s Office gets to consider the effects of the contents of a report they are LEGALLY obliged to provide on request. HIPAA laws also do not apply to the dead.

    Besides, some of us have seen the bodies BEFORE the coroner did, so words and pictures on paper aint gonna disturb our digestion.

    This just strikes me as a “slopey roof” excuse.

    Your stated reason isnt the REAL reason youre holding back…

  5. One of the “big holes in the donut” is any video from those that were sitting behind the President. Maybe I missed it, but I would have expected within just a couple of hours to see some video (or pictures) from those sitting right behind the podium. That was a very important vantage point.


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