Queen E Caught Pumping Millions into Prince Andrew’s Child Sex Abuse Legal Fight – IOTW Report

Queen E Caught Pumping Millions into Prince Andrew’s Child Sex Abuse Legal Fight

Neon Nettle-

Queen Elizabeth II has been secretly pumping millions of pounds into the fund for her son Prince Andrew to fight allegations he raped a child who was trafficked to him by pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, a bombshell new report has revealed.

Andrew, the Duke of York, is being sued in New York by Epstein’s former child sex slave Virginia Robert Giuffre, now 38.

Giuffre accuses the British prince of raping her on three separate occasions when she was 17 — in London, New York, and on billionaire child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean island, aka “Pedophile Island.” more

12 Comments on Queen E Caught Pumping Millions into Prince Andrew’s Child Sex Abuse Legal Fight

  1. The age of consent in England is 16 and in New York it is 17. Prince Andrew is creepy and gross but this Virginia person was free to come and go as she pleased and was not trafficked. She even recruited other girls to hook for Epstein.

  2. I’m not buying this alleged crime against a person who was 17 (old enough), by her own admission got paid, consented for her services, had lived with older men, and is quoted years ago she was free to come and go from Epstein’s realm.

    If she can get Andrew to pay some other money bags will be next.

  3. It’s her money so I suppose she can do what she wants with it. Fighting accusations made by someone who could have left at any time, but chose to stay and recruit others, is a great way to use it IMO.

  4. Could we please stop diminishing our credibility by referring to a 17-year-old who voluntarily kept going to Epstein residence and events for money as a “CHILD”?

    I call this prostitution, not “child sex abuse”.

    Okay, she was underage, stupid, immature, manipulated, whatever. But he didn’t yank some 8-year-old off the street.

  5. I liked when Homer Simpson drove his rental car into QE’s royal coach and said “oh, that’ll buff right out” and then said in his court trial that HRH stood for….




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