RWN: Good for the Queen! She’s got a set far bigger than Obama’s. She is refusing to return to London to meet with Obama when he trundles over there next month.

Not amused.
And she is warning him not to address Britain’s impending Brexit from the EU. Exactly right. Obama is going over there to meddle in Britain’s business and call for them to stay in the EU. It’s none of his business frankly and it is self-serving. Instead, Obama will have to go to her… more
Please, please, please make Barky use Windsor’s rear entrance, Your Majesty.
And keep him waiting in an anteroom while you have a spot of tea and crumpets–
She already has his iPod with his speeches and the US formatted DVD movies.
She should give back to that black trash, his “gift” box of audio recordings .
Make him use the same customs checkpoint as Michael Savage.
I thought they had a thing for fat bottomed girls?
He is use to rear entrances. Just ask Reggie.
When the lobsterbacks sign God Save the ‘Queen’ old Obutthole will think they are singing it for him!
While yer at it, make sure there are plenty of filled up, stinky garbage cans placed along the path to that rear entrance for the Dolly Bama…
That look on the Queen’s face is one that I wouldn’t mess with. I have some new founded respect for her. I hope she doesn’t cave. I have met lots of Brits in my travels and they like talking politics. Everyone of them said they want out of the EU. I’d love to see that happen.
He does know that she’s a “different” kind of queen than he is, and his… charms… don’t work on that kind, right?
The same clown who complained of an INVITED Netanyahu speaking to congress about Iran = meddling in US politics wants to lecture the Brits to stay in the EU. What a damned hypocrite!
I think a frank and honest queen to queen discussion would be at least entertaining. Maybe they can discuss tiaras or perfunctory hand waving or rue the day that they were no longer allowed to toss malcontents in the Tower of London on a whim.
If FartyBarky humbles himself to come into the Royal Presence, he may find it unsuitable as he is obviously UNWELCOMED…… does it take a couple of Moochies falling on his thick skull to drive home the point..the WORLD HATES YOU, DUMBASS……and if the media in the USA had the balls to post the truth, so does a majority of us… the paid for pollsters go busily about cherry picking whom to poll……weak as a powder Pouf….
The article states that Boris Johnson believes “the U.S. will never surrender their sovereignty.” Correction, Boris: AMERICANS will never surrender their sovereignty, but the U.S. government as currently composed seems to have no problem with surrendering whatsoever.
Good for you Miz Liz!
Another good thing about the Queen; she is holding on to her crown as long as possible to minimize the future reign of he idiot, inbred son, Chuck.
I would like a nice photo of the Real Queen giving Barky the old Royal Finger.
Tony R, I understand she’s going to bypass Chuck and go directly to William sometime this year.
That lead photo had me going for a minute.
God save the Queen. I hope he DOES show up anyway and then she has a fantastic excuse to pour boiling hot tea down his wussy little neck. :b