Queer Indigenous Artists Collective Co-Founder Exposed as a Fraud – IOTW Report

Queer Indigenous Artists Collective Co-Founder Exposed as a Fraud

Stories like Kay LeClaire’s should make everybody stop and consider the repercussions of a culture that focuses on demographics and optics over ethics and morals.

Tim Young: AG

If 2023 has proven anything so far, it’s that even as the years change, there is one thing that always remains the same: the actions of the radical Left will always manage to produce headlines that cause me to lose hope for humanity. Earlier this week, I came across the news that the co-founder of the Queer Indigenous Artists Collective was revealed to be a white woman.

For those of you who don’t know who Kay LeClaire is—so, probably everyone reading this—let me outline all of the demographic boxes that LeClaire claims to check. LeClaire is a self-proclaimed nonbinary “two-spirit” who goes by the name Nibiiwakamigkwe. (Thank God for cut and paste!) Despite her commitment to pass as a Native American, LeClaire has begun to receive backlash from the Native American community, who have labeled her a “pretendian.” 

LeClaire identified as a white woman on her Facebook page before she transitioned into her full woke form in 2019. This change helped her establish herself within the Native American community—which she began cashing in on by buying their art and crafts on Etsy and reselling them through a queer Indigenous artists’ collective in Wisconsin. After receiving backlash over her lies about her heritage, LeClaire was ultimately forced to step down from her position at the collective. MORE

7 Comments on Queer Indigenous Artists Collective Co-Founder Exposed as a Fraud

  1. Yeah. White women have all sorts of mental issues projecting rage on behalf of minorities too inadequate to express themselves.

    And ladies don’t take offense, white beta-males are right behind them, often using women as the face of the organizations, because “minority”. See BLM for instance.

  2. Woke Liberals continually lie and cheat and probably wonder why we don’t trust them.

    Even going back to the Bolsheviks promise of a Worker’s Paradise to the Russian people, weak people allow themselves to be bamboozled by political snake oil salesmen.

  3. She’s not the only one who tries to cash in on being something that they aren’t. Shades of Rachel Dolezal, going on – remember her? A college professor who claimed she was black, and as it turns out, she’s 1000% white. Her family called her out. Then there’s that Fauxhontas senator Elizabeth Warren. Many other examples out there….


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