Bumped: Quentin Tarantino says 13-year-old girl ‘wanted’ sex with Roman Polanski – IOTW Report

Bumped: Quentin Tarantino says 13-year-old girl ‘wanted’ sex with Roman Polanski

Stern’s company is taking down the disgusting interview any place they find it. Alex Jones has it.

You must hear this. Tarantino should be ostracized right out of the business by the #MeToo movement after saying what he says in this interview. Let’s see how serious these women are. –

Oh, and for the record. Anyone that has delved into this case and read court transcripts knows that this girl was not “down with it.” That claim is disgusting. Polanski gave her champagne and quaaludes and anally raped her.


FOX: Quentin Tarantino says 13-year-old girl ‘wanted’ sex with Roman Polanski in resurfaced interview.

Director Quentin Tarantino is under fire once again after a 2003 interview with Howard Stern — in which he said a 13-year-old girl “wanted to have” sex with Roman Polanski — resurfaced.

In response to questions from Stern why Oscar-winning director Roman Polanski was still celebrated by the entertainment industry despite allegations he sexually assaulted a child, Tarantino said that it wasn’t “rape” because the child “wanted” it.

“He didn’t rape a 13-year-old,” Tarantino said, according to E! News. “It was statutory rape. That’s not quite the same thing.”

“It’s statutory rape, he had sex with a minor, that’s not rape,” Tarantino continued. “To me, when you use the word ‘rape’ alright you’re talking about violent, throwing them down. It’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world.”

When co-host Robin Quivers chimed in that the girl was drugged, “The Hateful Eight” director said: “No, that was not the case at all. She wanted to have it and dated the guy.”  MORE

24 Comments on Bumped: Quentin Tarantino says 13-year-old girl ‘wanted’ sex with Roman Polanski

  1. I’m so sick of liberals pretending they are for protecting the rights of ‘the children’. No Quentin, the law says a 13 year old can’t make that judgement or decision and only a sick twisted f$ck would take advantage of child that way. Disgusting.

  2. Yes, statutory rape is a different crime than violent rape. So what? It’s still a crime. People outside Hollywood and Washington DC get locked up for it every day. Check it out, Quentin.

  3. Tarantino is a piece of filth. Why anyone watches his shit movies beyond just one time for curiosity is beyond me. He is a scumf%#k. And it is probably true that he would not care if it was his 13 year old daughter or even son that “ASKED” for sex from an adult male. He is just that screwed up. Screw him and his shit movies.

  4. This is emblematic of the socialist/nihilist world-view.
    Children, pets, other humans, frogs – whatever – only exist to be used and abused by those with political/money/fame/celebrity power. Thousands of chinks carried their pre-pubescent daughters to Mao in the hopes that he would choose theirs and bestow great gifts upon him.

    Children are just another commodity in nihilist-world.
    “If there is no God, everything is allowed.”

    Instead of dismissing Tarantino as some kind of fucked-up perverted flake, we should recognize him as a less-discreet example of those who share his political and social opinions, desires, and ambitions. These people demand that their nihilistic world-view become YOUR nihilistic world-view.

    What we need to decide is why we tolerate the intolerable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If it was to be justified on any level then he should have married her first.

    While in most U.S. states, individuals age 18 have the ability to marry (with two exceptions—Nebraska (19) and Mississippi (21)), all states allow minors to marry in certain circumstances, such as parental consent, judicial consent, pregnancy, or a combination of these situations.

  6. Who’d believe ANYTHING that Quentin & Roman said re: morals, values, or anything under the sun? Someday, a generation will emerge who will say, “I used to hear my grandparents talk about this place called Hollywood.”

  7. What kind of worthless parent allows their kid to be alone with a bunch of Hollywierdos?? Not trying to take the blame from Polanski, but parents have a job to protect their kids and these parents failed big time.

  8. He took advantage of a person (whom he plied with drugs) who could not act responsibly in their own best interests.
    A 13 year old is not mentally capable and cannot legally make the decision.
    Same as a mentally unstable person.
    Or an elderly person.
    Or the family dog.
    Polanski is a pig who should be kneecapped and thrown into a mud flat at low tide

  9. You want to bet that the funding is pulled for his Manson flic and that Leo DiCaprio is telling his agent to get him out of the film right now. This could turn into adios Senor Tarantino and Hollywood would be better off without him.

  10. The basic definition of rape is to have sex with someone without her consent. Forcing it just adds to the seriousness of the charge.

    Someone under the age of consent is considered not legally capable of giving consent. Without consent it is rape. Pure, unadulterated rape. Period.

  11. So put the 13 year-old on a middle-school campus, or make her 17 and put her on a college campus, and have not Roman Polanski, but a white conservative not even sodomize her, but have sex with her (and have her regret it), and see how fast the left would be screaming for that boy’s head.

  12. Hollywood culture believes that 1) it’s okay to commit statutory rape against a 13 year old and that 2) 13 year olds have a legal capacity to consent to sex with a 30+ year old men.

    These are the same people who lecture us on a daily basis how we should live and who should run our country.

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