Quest Diagnostics says 34,000 customer accounts hacked – IOTW Report

Quest Diagnostics says 34,000 customer accounts hacked

Those damned Russians!!11!

WTOP: NEW YORK (AP) — Medical laboratory operator Quest Diagnostics Inc. says a hack of an internet application on its network has exposed the personal health information of about 34,000 people.


The Madison, New Jersey-based company says “an unauthorized third party” on Nov. 26 gained access to customer information including names, dates of birth, lab results and in some instances, telephone numbers. The stolen data did not include Social Security numbers, credit card accounts, insurance details or any other financial information.

Quest said Monday it is working with a cybersecurity firm and law enforcement to investigate the breach, while taking steps to prevent similar incidents from recurring.

The company said it has notified affected clients by mail and has set up a dedicated number to field questions regarding the breach at (888) 320-9970.

9 Comments on Quest Diagnostics says 34,000 customer accounts hacked

  1. EEPS ….now the world will know i am really a m>f transcribed hooman of Alaskan American Indian Canuck descent, while being a gay fairy card carrying member of manscuntry who loves guns and pussy. Furthermore, they will know now i witnessed the Kenyan on his knees getting it up the manhole whilst lapping on a lollypop and grunting like a sow in heat….ok NO, Joking. Gotten lighten up every now and then….

  2. FYI – I get my lab work done at Quest, and use their online facilities. When I saw the report of their getting hacked in the news earlier today, I called that toll-free number and got right through to a real, live human being who spoke educated English with an American accent. He took my name and address, put me on hold for about 30 seconds, and then came back on the line and after verifying that he had the spelling correct for my last name, reported that my records were NOT in the database accessed by the bad guys.

    If any of you do business with Quest, I suggest giving them a call (between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. EST) for the straight scoop.

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