Question: When Did You Start Really Paying Attention? – IOTW Report

Question: When Did You Start Really Paying Attention?

CTH: Let me qualify this post and question by saying this is something I have wanted to ask and write about for quite a while.  I often ask this question to people I meet in general life discussion, and I am very interested to hear every response.  Today is a great day to ask this…

Think back…  So, you are living your life, doing what you and everyone familiar to you are doing in the ordinary and regular way of living your specific life.

Perhaps you paid some attention to the political comings and goings of things, perhaps not.

Perhaps like most comfortably invisible people you were just putting one foot in front of the other, and generally doing the day-to-day things that most would consider ordinary.

Then one day, for some unknown and likely not that consequential reason, something caught your attention. Something piqued your curiosity; perhaps you noticed something you wouldn’t ordinarily have noticed. Perhaps you heard something, or saw something, or were just in a situational space where something itched your brain as you looked at something, heard something or noticed something that just didn’t quite fit or sit right. MORE

40 Comments on Question: When Did You Start Really Paying Attention?

  1. Back in high school I read “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”. That got me thinking. After that I started questioning things. Got newsletters, in fact one of them was “Insider Report”, by Larry Abraham. He was a co-author of None Dare Call It Conspiracy. I wish I had saved those. One thing I neglected to credit, I had a High School class in 11th grade that combined English and History for the entire year, it was called “American Mind”. Even though I was an absent student most of the time, when I was in class I really appreciated what my two teachers were presenting. I missed an opportunity to learn more than I did. Time frame, early to mid 70’s.

  2. When they started the forced busing in Louisville, Kentucky in the late-70’s.
    Interrupted my high school years.
    Nearest School was 6 blocks away, I was bused 16 miles away to downtown.
    School was run down, broken, thugs roamed and mugged people.
    Teachers gave zero fucks.
    Yep, that did it…

  3. I was not pleased with Carter, but thought he wouldn’t last. Thank God for Ronny.

    So it wasn’t until Bush Sr., when he said, “Read my lips,” I did. He lied.

    Didn’t vote for him the second time, along with many others. We got Clinton. Been on a fast track to giving the reins to Satan ever since.

    Only God can take the reins out of his hands. If enough Christians turn back to him and ask for his mercy, he will have mercy on us. I have hope.

  4. I was born in ’76, and I remember being brought to tears by Ronald Reagan in some speech he made on the TV. It was a truly powerful speech made by a man who gave a shit. It wasn’t acting… and I didn’t even know what acting was.

    I liken it to hearing Churchill in my later years.

  5. I started questioning the narratives when Iran-Contra hit the news. During the time in question, King George I (HW Bush) made a couple of unannounced stop-overs on the Enterprise from Yemen. A few months after we returned, there were multiple “Evergreen” 747’s flying in & out of Miramar. It got me wondering if they may have been loaded with F-14 parts.
    Waco sealed the deal.

  6. Claudia, it was Bush Sr’s “It’s a new world order” during the first Iraqi invasion that clued me in the Republicans weren’t really on our side. But, yeah, Carter made me realize I was conservative. Couldn’t believe how anti-American he was.

    During the 80s I kept seeing how the Dems would let their own side pass on things they were upset about the other side doing.

    I saw the double standard right off the bat. That and how no imperfection was allowable on the conservative side while people like Ted Kennedy could kill people and not be scrutinized.

  7. In the late 70’s I was living in Alaska, a couple of the popular bumper stickers there were, “Let the Bastards Freeze in the Dark”. That was Jimmy Carter’s energy crisis. The other one was “Nuke the Gay Whales”. Kind of speaks for itself. We were young, but paying attention.

  8. I think even at a young age I was aware that “all the world was a stage (and a lie), But one of the early “red pill” moments I remember was watching an ABC(?) news report one night about “orphan drugs”.
    At the time I was 12 maybe 14 and liked watching Quincy M E (Jack Klugman) one episode was about so-called orphan drugs, drugs which big pharma doesn’t bother testing and bring to market because there wasn’t a big enough market for
    it to make a profit. Of course, near the end of the show Quincy makes a big, impassioned speech about how they need a new law or laws that would make such drugs profitable.
    a day or two later watching the news there’s Jack Klugman giving the same dam speech to some congressional committee on a bill about “orphan drugs”. It was so blatantly obvious to me the whole episode was written by or for Big pharma and or the congressman who wrote the bill as propaganda to get the bill passed so big pharma could rake in millions of dollars. Of course, collusion between Hollyweird and government/big pharma has only gotten tighter and more disgusting than ever.

  9. Vietnam, body counts and film. Billy O getting drafted and coming back eighteen months later an entirely different person. He left a small but genuine tough guy and came back pure and sincere peacenick. We talked some.

  10. I started paying attention during the Cuban Missile Crisis when I was eight. I saw the fear in the adults. I asked my mom what a missile was and why everybody was so afraid. She told me the ugly truth about what the Russians might do to us. Two years later, I attended a Goldwater rally with my family and I asked my dad why he liked him so much. He made it plain enough for me to understand. I really paid attention to LBJ and what he and his party were doing to black people and what it would mean for their future. I wrote my high school term paper on the Strategic Air Command and knew I’d join the USAF one day. A few years later, I was working at SAC Headquarters as a photo interpreter. We generated raw intelligence from satellite imagery of the USSR and Red China. I watched Jimmy Carter lie his ass off to the American people on TV about things I knew not to be true. Today, the Democrat Party is the greatest threat there has ever been to America.

  11. When I got out of the Air Force in 1977, a friend introduced me to ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy’. It made such an impact on me that I ordered twenty copies and gave them to people who I believed needed to read it.

  12. Sometime about 1967 or 1968 maybe. The rotten fuckers told my mom I had to repeat second grade which I was bored stiff with the first time. Then about half way through the second time they caught on, what anyone else thinks about me shrinks to insignificance compared to what I think about me. I’ll learn what I’m here to learn, just keep your Goddamned mind control games to yourself and we can get along.

    My brother wasn’t up for their shit either. Both of us only showed up to take tests from about sixth grade on.

  13. I was fortunate to be redpilled at 22. First time they allowed 18 year old dumbshits to vote and I ran right out and voted for the peanut farmer. In my defense it was a choice between two idiots, but I soon learned the error of my ways and became rabidly republican.

    Thank the Lord God Almighty for Ronny Reagan, but I didn’t realize the entire system was rigged until I watched Romney take the fall in the second debate after he mopped the floor with jug ears in the first.

    I owe Mittens for educating me on the uniparty. He handed the Kenyan Queer the election on a plate and it opened my eyes, with 8 years of hell to follow for America.

    I began deep research and learned the game has been rigged since 1878. Wilson, FDR, and Johnson were the gatekeepers and the token Republicans in between were placeholders. Kennedy and Reagan broke the mold and both were targeted by the CIA.

    It really took off with the advent of TV to reach the masses, and post war control of the entire media by the Alphabets.

    Anyhow IOTW critters know and spread the truth, thus we are classified as enemies of the deepest are and constantly monitored by the ever-growing Alphabets.

    The Alphabets have numerous trolls here so don’t let them bait you into their traps.

  14. Eight years old. 1970 something. My father got me out of bed to watch THE CAMPS. My world changed and I became aware. I was taught to Never Forget. So for nearly 50 years my prayer at bedtime including asking for help knowing what to remember. It took a couple of years before it started working. Sometimes the stranget things that made zero sense became seared into my memory to be recalled decades later. Why my mother would bark at Walter Cronkite on the news, like he was giving play by play at a professional sports game? -Propaganda before it was “legal”. Life has been fascinating! Live IN this world, not OF this world is powerful stuff. The great deceiver has gained much ground since my childhood when I was taught that adults have huge problems with the truth. Adults in the Government have the most difficulty with the truth. Never Forget!

  15. I have no recollection of a particular event or time. But I do remember the Carter years well. It may have been that I had been out on my own for 4 or 5 years and because of that, I really noticed the changes. That my lifestyle had to change for the worse because a peanut farmer was in the white house.

    When you are dependent on others, in my case my parents, you don’t notice the effect that politics has on how you live your life. I think it’s important to keep that in mind today. Our government has not just created an enormous class of people dependent on the government, the government has imported millions more dependent on big government and on a scale of epic proportions. But I digress.

    Reagan was awesome. “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” Absolutely right.

    I was still too unaware to comprehend that George H W was not good for the nation. After all, he was a Republican.

    Clinton sealed the deal for me that Democrats were evil. Times were fairly good and he spoke some common sense but it became apparent to me that he was an evil man although I cant tell you what it was that convinced me of that. Too long ago perhaps.

    Like I was by his daddy, I was swayed by Dubya. I still had confidence in the Republicans. Time has proven that sentiment to not be a worthy one.

    Obama was when I became fully aware. “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” drew cheers from the crowd. That we were in deep shit got hammered home right then. I remember arguing online with lefties that he was a Marxist with them responding that I was insane to think that. They couldn’t be bothered to do a minor bit of research to easily confirm it. He was raised by communists to be a communist. All the data to back that up was readily available.

    Then came Trump. A man who I will happily vote for a second time. Why? Because the opportunity to not put a career politician in the top slot came around once and I won’t miss the opportunity to do so again. The psyops that are ongoing and that will intensify greatly will not sway me. Should he not make the ballot, I will write him in. Write him in because we have no hope with a career politician as president. To cast my vote for anyone else would be throwing it away.

    If we the people are unwilling to rein in an out of control government, and it’s very apparent that we aren’t, our only hope is that a person not of the political class can.

  16. The first time I’d paid any attention would be when I was a teen. I started really paying attention the first time I heard a Rush Limbaugh program at the radio station.

  17. Just recently I came to the conclusion that it is more likely, far more likely than not, that The Party (Democrats, establishment, The Deep State) was more involved in bring down the Twin Towers than I had been willing to entertain. The transparent Covid Scam is what allowed me to reexamine what I had been formerly unwilling to entertain. If what the events of 911 allowed to go down since that benefit The Party is examined, they all fall one way and that is the implementation of policies The Party supports and the American people steadfastly oppose, have always opposed and still oppose. Particularly when it comes to flooding the country with illegal immigrants.

    The people on the planes were far more likely than not recruited by the CIA than acting on their own in my opinion, than acting on their own.

    Everything since points to it having been an inside job, and the actors were the ones the money leads one to. The Cheney and Bush interests were absolutely instrumental in setting it up in partnership with their friends across the aisle. IMHO.

  18. My father was a staunch conservative, anti-communist. Growing up I read The Naked Communist and Non Dare Call It Treason. Unfortunately, after high school and college, I rebelled and turned to the dark side, but remained a Christian. I had trouble trying to reconcile my Christianity with the drugs and abortion culture of the left. Then in late 1988, Rush came on the local radio station, which I listened to at work. At first, I listened because he was entertaining and funny, but over the next year, my conversion was complete. But I am still learning that so much we have been told about our country has been a lie. Once you are red pilled, there is no turning back.

  19. I believe that I was conservative at the time that I was kid a back in the 60’s and early and 70’s, I just didn’t know how conservative I was at the time because even though I knew a lot of our history it took me until my late 20’s to figure it out. My 3 years in the Navy 50 years ago were the first sign that I was changing how I viewed the world. After I left the Navy I went to college at Eastern Wash. University in Cheney, Wash. and graduated with a BA in Social Work in 1980. I was young and naive still and thought that I could save the world on my own without God (I was a young, foolish, naive Christian at the time and voted for jimma carta twice, please forgive me) and relying on govt. to do it. I soon found out that I wasn’t cut out for social work because even then I knew it was politically correct bullshit and I hated community organizing. I started reading conservative authors in the early 80’s to find an answer like with the works of Francis Schaeffer who helped to change my worldview, along with Russell Kirk, Whittaker Chambers book Witness to learn about communism, all 3 volumes of the Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn who is one of my heroes, CS Lewis’s Mere Christianity and his 3-volume space trilogy of which That Hideous Strength is my favorite. All these authors and books changed my life and worldview. I’ve gone on to read Dostoevsky, I love Crime and Punishment, G K Chesterton’s books and essays and many, many others. I like so many others started out thinking that I was a liberal but by the time I was in my late 20’s, married and starting a family, my son was born in 1982 I realized that it was all bs (I must be having a Solomon like moment since knowing and trusting in God is the beginning of true wisdom) and have been and continue to be conservative now and forever. But I thank God mostly since he was the one who not only saved me but helped me to understand how the world really works and it’s not by thinking that all of our good works will bring about any kind of peace and harmony in a fallen world who doesn’t know its ass from a hole in the ground and continues to pretend that God is dead and irrelevant. If God could change my life thru faith in him, he can change anybody. Listening to Rush beginning back in 1988 also helped tremendously.

  20. 2008, Heller vs DC, SCOTUS finally confirms that the 2nd Amendment enshrines in each individual, wholly disconnected from the idea of a militia, the right to keep and bear arms.
    Such a huge outcry from the left, doomsayers on every channel but Fox, that was when I really started to pay attention.

  21. It was the late ’90s when I left the democrat party for good. I’d had misgivings about them for at least five years before that. The last straw was the “Big Tent, macarena” convention in ’96 when it dawned on me that the party was taken over by crooks, perverts, and retards.


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