Can anyone get her to cough up some answers?


Regated:   Hillary Clinton has not held a formal press conference in over 276 days over 277 days.Donald Trump has held more press conferences in Mexico than Clinton has held all year. The press conference is an adversarial proceeding in which a person subjects him or herself to the scrutiny of the free press. During election cycles, holding a the press conference becomes especially important, because it allows the press to hold a candidate accountable, and ask the hard questions relating to the policies for which a candidate advocates. Since Clinton has not held a press conference for so long, the questions have piled up.

Here are some of the unanswered questions that we have amassed since Clinton’s last press conference (this list will continue to be updated):

Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Endorsement

On March 14, 2016, Ku Klux Klan grand dragon William Quigg  officially endorsed you, and said you were “telling everybody what they want to hear so [you] can get elected” and that if you were to become President you’re “going to come out and [your] true colors are going to show.”

1-Do you disavow William Quigg’s support?

2-(Assuming Clinton disavows), what took your campaign so long to disavow William Quigg?

3-What message do you think it sends that it took your campaign longer to disavow support from a devout KKK leader than Donald Trump?

4-What do you make of William Quigg’s claim that you are opportunistically saying things you perceive as politically popular just to get elected as a kind of ambiguous “wink, wink”?


Secretary Clinton, you still have yet to visit the flood damage in Louisiana. On August 25, 2016, The Advocate, a Louisiana-based newspaper, published an editorial titled, “If she wants to be president, Hillary Clinton should act like one, come to Louisiana,” in which the editorial board accused you of brushing off flooding victims, because Louisiana is a “reliably red state,” and said your lack of compassion and refusal to visit the state was a result of the “cold calculus of electoral math.”

5-What is your response to this editorial?

6-Is your refusal to visit Louisiana politically-motivated?

In a statement, you said that you did not want to visit Louisiana, because you did not want to be a distraction. When President George W. Bush used the same excuse, you ran a 2007 campaign ad, in which you said victims of Hurricane Katrina were “invisible” to then-President George W. Bush, due to his refusal to visit Louisiana.

7-Are the people of Louisiana “invisible” to you?

8-Are you concerned with the optics that Donald Trump was visiting the flooding victims in Louisiana while you were at high-end fundraisers hanging out with celebrities?


In the first Democratic Debate, you touted your time at the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) on at least three separate occasions. But many have pointed to your support for your husband’s passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA) as a reason to be skeptical of your dedication to our nation’s children. As I am sure you recall, the PRWORA plunged more than one million children into poverty; Marian Wright Edelman, the founder and President of the CDF, was infuriated with the PRWORA’s passage; three senior officials dedicated to welfare policy resigned in protest; Lillie Harden, who has been called “the poster child” of the PRWORA, died in 2014 due to health problems for which she could not afford the medication she received while on welfare, and was quoted as saying of the PRWORA, “It didn’t pay off in the end.”




  1. More likely questions from the scumbag press;

    1) what’s your favorite flavor ice cream?

    2) what’s it like being a grandmother?

    3) who’s your favorite host on The view?

    4) last one… Why is Donald Trump such a racist?

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