Questions Raised About Conviction of Conservative Texas Ex-Congressman – IOTW Report

Questions Raised About Conviction of Conservative Texas Ex-Congressman

Epoch Times:

Painting imprisoned former Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas, an outspoken critic of then-President Barack Obama, as a victim of a complex, politically motivated runaway prosecution, defenders of the Republican ex-lawmaker are urging a federal appeals court to reconsider Stockman’s fraud-related convictions that garnered a 10-year prison sentence.

Supporters say Stockman is being punished for his zealous pursuit of Obama-era wrongdoings, and in particular, for going after former Internal Revenue Service nonprofit division official Lois Lerner for targeting conservative nonprofits.

“It was a totally political attack,” said Art Harman, who was Stockman’s legislative director during his recent term in Congress.

“The prosecution was initiated two weeks after he introduced a resolution calling for the arrest of Lois Lerner,” Harman told The Epoch Times in an interview.

“Unfortunately, [former Attorney General Jeff] Sessions did not review and dismiss politically motivated prosecutions after President Trump was inaugurated,” he said.

“There were three grand juries that found nothing on him, but they kept spending taxpayer dollars to get him on something,” he said, comparing Stockman’s plight to that of embattled Trump confidant Roger Stone and now-imprisoned campaign manager Paul Manafort, who was convicted of crimes unrelated to the Trump campaign. read more

9 Comments on Questions Raised About Conviction of Conservative Texas Ex-Congressman

  1. He’s one of a long list of people abused to one degree or another by that crooked regime.
    If we finally see some of these criminals go off for a long stay in federal prison it will be absolutely orgasmic.

  2. “At trial, the government proved to the jury that former Congressman Stockman ran his campaign and fraudulent charities to simply enrich himself and defrauded well-meaning donors,”

    Ok, fine. So when will they be going after the Clinton Global Crime Syndicate?

  3. UNIPARTY protectcs etw own; as it has for 29 years. Forget not the immoral liar who promoted L. Learner. Hint it was 13 years ago.

    He and the rest of his syndicate told us VOTE CLINTON oct ’16!

  4. It was a totally political attack

    When “prosecutorial discretion” is allowed, ever allowed, all “prosecution” is political persecution. By definition.

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