Quick and Dirty Durham Explainer – IOTW Report

Quick and Dirty Durham Explainer

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You’ve been warned.

PJM: You can learn a lot by just listening — unless you’re listening to the legacy media. A recent example is the motion Special Counsel John Durham filed in the case of Michael Sussman on Feb. 11.

Sussman was indicted for lying to FBI General Counsel James Baker when he presented “evidence” suggesting an illicit connection between Trump and the Russian Alfa Bank and said he had no client; we’ll get to the details, but the gist is that Sussman was billing the Clinton campaign and Rodney Joffe when he said he had no client. At the time, Sussman was employed by Perkins Coie, a high-powered Washington law firm.

(The actual motion names “Law Firm 1,” “Tech Executive 1,” and others. All of these people have been openly identified, so I’m just going to translate the names.)

Now, fair notice: I’m heading pretty deep into the weeds here, so here’s the TL;DR:

In paragraphs 2 through 7, under the heading FACTUAL BACKGROUND, Durham details important points about the indictment that show Sussman working with Rodney Joffe and his firm Neustar, who passed information to researchers under a DARPA contract at Georgia Tech and coordinated an effort to build up a falsified case for investigating Trump’s connections to Russia. This also involved the Clinton campaign, and the Clinton campaign’s general counsel — a familiar name, Marc Elias. This data was, to put it gently, massaged in order to make an incriminating case against Trump that fed into the Clinton campaign’s other efforts, like the “dossier,” and thus into the fraudulent FISA warrants and more intelligence operations against the Trump campaign. 

You can see why this caused a lot of agitation on the Democrats’ side: Durham is laying out a case that Perkins Coie, through Sussman and with the active participation of Mark Elias, purposefully manufactured evidence against Trump that factored into the four-year investigation into “Russian collusion”.

I’ve talked to several lawyer friends, and frankly, this appears to indicate many violations of law — too many to list. But plenty that would send mere politically unconnected mortals to Leavenworth for the rest of their lives. more

8 Comments on Quick and Dirty Durham Explainer

  1. …we, an ’80s Canadian arena rock band, called this long ago…

    “When they turn the pages of history
    When these days have passed long ago
    Will they read of us with sadness
    For the seeds that we let grow?

    We turned our gaze
    From the castles in the distance

    Eyes cast down
    On the path of least resistance

    Cities full of hatred
    Fear and lies

    Withered hearts
    And cruel, tormented eyes

    Scheming demons
    Dressed in kingly guise

    Beating down the multitude

    And scoffing at the wise

    The hypocrites are slandering
    The sacred halls of truth
    Ancient nobles showering
    Their bitterness on youth

    Can’t we find
    The minds that made us strong?

    Oh, can’t we learn
    To feel what’s right and what’s wrong? What’s wrong”
    -Rush, “A Farewell To Kings”


  2. Democrats committed themselves to Hillary’s Russian Collusion Lie. Now they have to find a way out of it. The legacy media will help but they wont be able to change the outcome. The 2022 midterm elections should turn out to be a blood bath for Democrats unless they get away with massive voter fraud again. Hillary should get credit for taking the Democrat party down.

  3. mickey moussaoui – Great point!
    It’s up to us to NEVER let them find a way out of that!
    Hold the D-Ratz and their Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media accountable for being complicit in the BIG Lie!
    Their library of video clips pushing their lies is endless. Keep them on display out in front of the public like Rush used to do until they cry Uncle!

  4. Is Lord Durham making a list? And checking it twice? To be sure everyone that received a cent, a memo, a hint.. are all marched to the wall. Along with their entire households?

    No? Then get back to me. When you’ve marched Lord Durham’s household to the wall.

    Or fnck off! You Bolshevik!


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