Quid Pro Joe, Postal Workers Use Leverage from 2020 Mail-in Ballot Fraud to Gain Exemption From Vaccine Mandate – IOTW Report

Quid Pro Joe, Postal Workers Use Leverage from 2020 Mail-in Ballot Fraud to Gain Exemption From Vaccine Mandate

Conservative Treehouse: The United States Postal Service (USPS) workers will be exempt from the mandatory vaccine requirements of all federal workers.  The most logical reason for the Biden carve-out is the blackmail and leverage carried by the USPS for their role in the 2020 mail-in ballot fraud.   Quid pro Joe.

WASHINGTON POST – U.S. Postal Service workers were not included in Biden’s executive order requiring all federal employees to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to a White House official speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss not-yet-public portions of the president’s plan. The postal workers would be strongly encouraged to comply with the mandate, the official said. 


13 Comments on Quid Pro Joe, Postal Workers Use Leverage from 2020 Mail-in Ballot Fraud to Gain Exemption From Vaccine Mandate

  1. “The United States Postal Service (USPS) workers will be exempt from the mandatory vaccine requirements of all federal workers. The most logical reason for the Biden carve-out is the blackmail and leverage carried by the USPS for their role in the 2020 mail-in ballot fraud. Quid pro Joe.”
    My understanding is that postal employees are technically NOT federal workers, even tho’ the buildings are federal property. There are things Bite-me can order the Park Service or the military to do that he can’t order the Post Office to do, and I’m guessin’ a vaccine mandate is one of them.

  2. The so-called mandate has zero standing, and the fact that USPS was explicitly excluded is just more proof of that.
    They are trying to use OSHA as the avenue for the mandate, but with no scientific reasoning and inconsistent application it is clearly invalid.
    Besides which we are on the downslope of the final surge, even CDC notes that deaths have been typical numbers since March. But it is in incredible attempt to usurp the liberty of Americans.

  3. Classic Biden… The people who handle all the fucking mail that goes in to damn near every household are exempt from the mandate that is supposed to shut down the spread of a supposedly dangerous virus.

    Anyone who still believes this bullshit has anything to do with public health has their head permanently up their ass. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck anyone who still supports that cocksucker. Anyone you meet who agrees with this fascist mandate is a fucking piece of shit and should be treated with complete and unreserved contempt.

  4. Private employers have to show proof of the jab or show weekly Covid tests of the employees. Is it just a coincidence that Bill Gates and George Soros just partnered up to buy a Covid testing company?

  5. This is entirely predictable. Joe creates an incentive for groups or individuals to plead for relief, which may be given as a favor to be repaid at a future date in a way to be determined.

    Hmmm. Postal workers…what could they possibly do to help Joe Obama win the 22 elections? I wonder…

  6. joe6pak – I’m reminded of the guy who was the head of building the Hoover Dam, when asked by a reporter “How many men are working here?” replied “About half of them”.

  7. Great, now the postal workers can walk around among us delivering our mail and acting like a bunch of typhoid Mary’s spreading the virus to every household that they deliver mail to. It will be another perfect example of the law of unintended (although in this case purposely intended) consequences. I hate my government at the Federal and state levels, my local govt. for now is still sane, thank God!

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