Rabbis Protest Trump’s Re-Nomination of Obama LGBT Agenda Architect Chai Feldblum – IOTW Report

Rabbis Protest Trump’s Re-Nomination of Obama LGBT Agenda Architect Chai Feldblum

Breitbart: A coalition of rabbis is criticizing the Trump administration for re-nominating radical sexual identity activist Chai Feldblum to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America, observes in a press release sent to Breitbart News that Feldblum, the architect of former President Barack Obama’s radical LGBT agenda, “cast the deciding vote when the EEOC termed it ‘unlawful sex discrimination’ to limit locker and shower facilities to those of a single biological gender, and has consistently shown a disregard for religious rights.”

As Obama’s most liberal gender ideology activist, Feldblum has said that whenever LGBT issues conflict with religious liberty and private property rights, religious liberty and private rights should lose.

The coalition notes that, in 2012, Feldblum was a member of the EEOC “when the US Supreme Court unanimously rejected its position, which Chief Justice John Roberts characterized as claiming ‘that the Religion Clauses have nothing to say about a religious organization’s freedom to select its own ministers.’”  read more

SNIP: I don’t have to be a Rabbi to be pissed off about it.  This is a joke, right? Or is president Trump trying to get her going through interviews knowing she’ll be asked about 0bama’s tactics used against religious rights and people refusing to conform to PC?


9 Comments on Rabbis Protest Trump’s Re-Nomination of Obama LGBT Agenda Architect Chai Feldblum

  1. Obama’s holdovers in the EEOC have taken positions in court against Trump’s DOJ in Title VII cases (whether prohibition of “sex discrimination” encompasses discrimination on the basis of “sexual orientation” or “gender” identity.

  2. I am totally sick of gay clergy — there is only one synagogue and rabbi here in Bloomington and he is gay. Everything they think, preach and write is skewed and distorted. Repellent !

  3. Another non-forced error by Trump? Imagine how much better things could be if he wouldn’t keep shooting himself in the foot.
    Nominating this freak along with keeping Gary Cohn and McMaster just makes an otherwise smooth ride into a bumpy one.

  4. They’re just a bunch of NeverTrumpsters complaining about Trump!

    What’s Ben Shapiro’s opinion of this move by the All-Wonderful All the Time Trump?

    (sarcasm off)

  5. “SNIP: I don’t have to be a Rabbi to be pissed off about it. This is a joke, right? Or is president Trump trying to get her going through interviews knowing she’ll be asked about 0bama’s tactics used against religious rights and people refusing to conform to PC?”

    Oh my God! I hope there is some clever plan at work because I do not want there to be any Obama holders ever again. Put her to work at some Starbucks in Frisco.

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