Raccoons Throw Party in Man’s Backyard Pool – IOTW Report

Raccoons Throw Party in Man’s Backyard Pool


A trio of furry raccoons were spotted living their best life Friday in Huntington Beach, California.

When Jimmy Sena heard his dog, Hank, making noise just before 6:00 a.m., he peeked outside and saw a raccoon hanging on the wall in his back yard, WDTN reported Saturday.

He did not think much of it, so he went back to bed. However, the dog got louder and Sena recalled that he looked outside again and saw three raccoons standing at the edge of his pool.

The fluffy group was either playing or fighting, but he could not tell which. Then one of the raccoons fell into the water and his friends jumped in after him.

Sena filmed the party animals swimming for approximately two minutes, and they appeared to be having a grand time in the water.

“What are they doing? They’re just swimming,” someone behind the camera says as the creatures paddle around. The animals do not appear to be in distress as they enjoy the cool water.

At one point, one of the raccoons appears to notice he is being filmed and looks toward the camera but then turns and swims away. MORE

7 Comments on Raccoons Throw Party in Man’s Backyard Pool

  1. What ultimately got them kicked off the property was their brazen flaunting of the “No cannonballs off the board” sign. Some creatures just think the rules don’t apply to them.

  2. We occasionally get a masked bandit or two. They dig up worms and grubs. Besides the torn up areas in the yard, they leave their calling card (muddy paw prints on the top step of our pool).

  3. Pool guy putting us through pool school said a big dog in the pool is like having a pool full of humans. He said you better chase off a duck if he lands in the pool. It is 1000 times worse in terms of germs and bacteria that the chlorine will have to kill. I would imagine raccoons are pretty nasty to have in the pool.


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