Race for Virginia Attorney General is Tightening – IOTW Report

Race for Virginia Attorney General is Tightening

NTK: A new poll conducted by the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University has Republican John Adams trailing Democrat Mark Herring by just five points in the race to be Virginia’s attorney general.

According to NBC 29:

“Democratic Attorney General Mark Herring leads former federal prosecutor and White House aide John Adams, 47% to 42%, in the campaign for attorney general.”

The poll’s margin of error is +/- 3.7%.

The same poll showed that Democrat Ralph Northam holds a six-point lead over Republican Ed Gillespie in the race to be Virginia’s next governor.  more

8 Comments on Race for Virginia Attorney General is Tightening

  1. Same Libtard propaganda we heard in the Presidential Election. The media still thinks it can influence the election because people will be afraid to think for themselves, and will go with “popular” opinion.

    Methinks they have some other thinks coming. I just hope the Libertarian candidate sucks, because that’s what lost it last time. Tory McCoughliffe won by that small a margin. Grrr.

  2. Are there two creepier people on the planet than Mark Herring and Ralph Northam? Y’all had a good time with Timmy kaine’s eyebrows. Northam’s are two rotting hay bales.

    Sadly, Virginia has nominated perennial loser Ed Gillespie as the candidate for governor. Not optimistic about that race.

    I like John Adams a lot though. And I detest Mark Herring. He ran as an invisible candidate last time and immediately implemented extreme liberal policies on day one.

  3. It kind of sucks living in Virginia. We have politics every year. Even numbered years are Congress/Senate/presidential. Odd numbered years are statehouse/Governor/lt gov/AG

    The only thing they got right was limiting the gov to a single term.

  4. The problem with vagina is people here in the west, where I am, fail to realize how the north has been over run by outsiders that work/run washington. People here don’t vote. If they did, things would be different. There are also some holdouts that will say with no clue of reality; “I was born a democrat, I’ll die a democrat”

  5. Actually, western most Virginia is west of Detroit and has 5 state capitals closer to it than Richmond.

    Northern VA and certain urban centers run roughshod over the rest of the state politically.

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