Liberal Hoaxes continue – IOTW Report

Liberal Hoaxes continue

This time, a black woman scratches White Power on a sidewalk in Tennessee.

23 Comments on Liberal Hoaxes continue

  1. at least she knows who should be in charge or is she wanting whites to take over again to make sure she is safe from the left?

    white power my ass!

    if we had white power the blacks and illegals and muslims who commit most of the crime would all be locked up instead of being let back out on the streets to commit further crimes against whites.

    the revolving door of justice.

    the left keeps stoking this race war and won’t like the outcome.

  2. According to leftists people of color can’t be raaacciisss.
    So let her go.
    All liberals have are lies and hoaxes.
    Someone sent me a list of reasons to not vote for Trump from Democrats United Against Trump and it’s pretty much lies and hoaxes.
    They have nothing. Not even a viable candidate.

  3. I’m sick of you’re wingnut fake news. Its necessary for African Americans, the queer nation and other non-racist crackers to use drama and theater to depict racism in real time, in order to draw attention to the racism happening all around us ALL THE TIME because otherwise people won’t notice. And if some “innocent ” honky or chink gets arrested, roughed up a little or burned out of their house to prove racism exists, it will be worth it!

    I stand in solidarity with my minority and queer brothers and sisters who live on the other side of town and don’t have the passcode to my communities gate unless they’re on the lawn crew.

  4. ⬆️⬆️🙄

    “I stand in solidarity with my minority and queer brothers and sisters who live on the other side of town and don’t have the passcode to my communities gate unless they’re on the lawn crew”.

    Read that back to yourself.

    I believe Allied Van Lines travels to that side of town…if you truly feel that strongly, live your solidarity.

  5. This is all the fault of racist Trump supporters. If racist Trump supporters would actually do something racist, then we liberal hypocrites wouldn’t have to do it for them.

  6. Stupid people do stupid things – that’s what makes them stupid.
    Her mother was (obviously) illiterate and we should applaud her (Mahagany) for spelling both “white” and “power” correctly.
    C’mon! A little credit, here!
    Lowered expectations inculcate lowered results.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It’s incredibly frustrating when an entire group of people seems to have better things to do than to comply with your demand that they validate your continual sense of victimhood.

  8. Not sure if I quite grasp all the rules…

    If a black or white person carves WHITE POWER into something that is a hate crime against..? I’m assuming it’s against black people. and…

    ..If a black or white person carves BLACK LIVES MATTER or BLACK POWER into something that language is in SUPPORT of black people and not a hate crime against blacks, right?

    My confusion comes in when I try to think of a phrase that a black or white person could carve that would be in support of white people, for white people, and not be directed toward or offensive to black people. Does something like that exist without triggering a racist hate crime? Picking the reverse of BLM by stating WLM is somehow racist, so that’s out.

    All races except the white race are celebrated in many different ways. How do we celebrate the white race?

  9. I’m impressed that she spelled “white’ Correctly.
    Good for her!

    ecp @ I agree with you.

    Someone in England drove all the Lefties & SJW’s crazy by posting signs that said, “Islam is right about women”

    Feminists, SJW’s, atheists, politicians, free speechers, governments officials were all powerless and unable react.

    Was the sign hateful?
    Who put it up?
    Was it misogynist?
    Was it religious or not?
    Was it critical or supportive?
    What part of Islam was “right”

    Check it out on YouTube.


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