Rachel Dolezal Is Nearly Homeless, On Food Stamps And Still White – IOTW Report

Rachel Dolezal Is Nearly Homeless, On Food Stamps And Still White

DailyCaller: Former NAACP branch president Rachel Dolezal, who lied about being black but still identifies as black, is now jobless, living on food stamps and expects to lose her home next month.

“There’s no protected class for me,” the former NAACP branch president told The Guardian. “I’m this generic, ambiguous scapegoat for white people to call me a race traitor and take out their hostility on. And I’m a target for anger and pain about white people from the black community. It’s like I am the worst of all these worlds.”

Dolezal has applied for over 100 jobs, but has received no offers, even from a supermarket. She has, however, been offered work in porn and reality TV. While a friend helped pay her rent for February, Dolezal expects she’ll lose her home next month.

“I do think a more complex label would be helpful, but we don’t really have that vocabulary,” said the former Africana studies instructor.


59 Comments on Rachel Dolezal Is Nearly Homeless, On Food Stamps And Still White

  1. There was this white lady who pretended to be black and was even hired to be a branch president of the NAACP, and then she went on welfare.
    Oh wait. I’m not in the joke section anymore.

  2. Maybe just maybe if she quit being a victim and acted white like the way she was born she could find a job and support herself. Give it up lady and act like a normal person and maybe people will quit picking on you. You’re no blacker than I am and you’re originally from Northwestern Montana, Troy and Libby which are predominately white and of Norwegian heritage. I don’t feel sorry for you, you brought this on yourself.

  3. We’re all Africans but we’re not all white. So it ain’t no fraud for white people to identify as african. White folks can identify however they want. Whites can identify as Asian if they want, since Europe was overrun by all them R1a and R1b Central Asian rapists back in the day.

  4. “There’s no protected class for me …”

    Me, neither.

    She’s learned nothing. Surely there’s a facility for the severely retarded somewhere in her community. She could probably get in under some Socialist Security scam, or she could claim to be a retarded mexican illegal alien invader. Gotta be a way.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “There’s no protected class for me,” the former NAACP branch president told The Guardian. “I’m this generic, ambiguous scapegoat for white people to call me a race traitor and take out their hostility on. And I’m a target for anger and pain about white people from the black community. It’s like I am the worst of all these worlds.”
    No, silly. Both clear thinking whites and blacks see you as a con artist who is scamming both the black community and self loathing white limousine liberals. When will you realize that you created your situation all by yourself?
    She is truly mentally ill.

  6. “She has, however, been offered work in porn and reality TV.”

    That’s where the big easy money is sweetheart! That and prostitution. So at least you have three options.

  7. Dialing for dollars, certainly there’s a Hollywood white person who identifies as black, or many black actors who self identify as white. I am surprised there isn’t a go fund me page for poor old Rachel to scam more people out of their hard earned money. It’s not that she’s above lying, scamming or anything.

  8. On welfare? You mean my tax money is subsidizing her? Who woulda thought!

    Hey I need my walls washed lady. Wanna job? There are cans along some highways. Check out the going rate for reclaimed aluminum.

  9. @Jethro
    Well, shut my mouth !
    Scammer gotta scam …. it must be a coincidence that she was interviewed by the Guardian to bring her down and out plight to the forefront.
    Geez, idiots will fund idiots.

  10. Nappy headed ho can’t find work on a street corner? Anyone who’d hire her deserves all the problems she’ll bring with her; dishonesty, supposed victim, delusional, attention whore, always someone else’s fault, has lawyers on speed dial, repulsive, disgusting, likely a thief, will only stay long enough to figure out how to drag you in front of some money grubbing government grievance agency…

  11. LOL
    …and the SELF-created pity-party goes on and on and on…

    There’s always Section 8 housing through HUD (da’ hood!)…then she’d REALLY get a huge honking dose of how REAL black folks live!

  12. Hey maybe she could get a job on that TV show “Blackish”. She sort of fits the name and is just as racist as the characters on the show and can blame Whitey for her ill’s just like the show does. Seriously though, “Blackish” is the most racist thing I’ve ever seen on TV and she would fit right in.

  13. Wait a minute! All the permutations of womyns told us that if every facet of WASPy patriarchy would shut up, sit down, and gimp back in the trunk… i mean… get in the back of the bus, then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs… even for the leftovers of WASPy patriarchy. So, Obey… i mean… Vote Them! What happened?

  14. Not sure what her beef is.

    I’m a Swiss Amish Presbyterian that species identifies as a Walleye.

    If she swam a mile in my fins, she’d know what it really means to be an unprotected class.

  15. @Rufus T Firefly February 26, 2017 at 11:08 am

    Ow! My eyes! I haven’t even seen it, and they burn!

    (Oh, and Rufus, don’t think it hasn’t been noticed that you seem to have “intimate” knowledge of some disturbing parts of teh interwbez. I’m juss sayin’ — “BleachBit: Preferred by 100% of unindicted co=presidential candidates”.)

  16. Look, she is mentally ill. Her insane parents adopted a bunch of black kids, and treated her like shit, while treating them well. This literally drove her insane.

    I pity her, and blame her worthless ‘parents’ for her situation.

  17. “but… how can a white person get food stamps?”

    She has black kids, the only reason she qualifies. Wasn’t she pregnant when the shit hit the fan? Where that baby daddy be?

  18. there’s no protected class for me”……lol, welcome to WHITE PRIVILEGE, hope you enjoy your stay…..

    no one will hire you because everyone knows you are a liar who CANNOT be trusted….live with it, bint….you DESERVED this – the rest of us white people got stuck with it just because of our skin color – “no protected class” for US, either….and that’s how it should be FOR EVERYONE…..we’re SUPPOSED to be EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW, not “special”……

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