Racist Cop Punches Black Girl While She’s Handcuffed – IOTW Report

Racist Cop Punches Black Girl While She’s Handcuffed

He says she kicked him in the jaw, so he punched her. The racist cop was checked out at the hospital and there was nothing wrong with him. Lyin’ cracka.

Wait’ll Al Sharpton hears abou….

What’s that?

The cop was black?  Then this video isn’t useful at all. Video after the jump—23D8B0FF00000578-0-image-a-23_1417971956412



14 Comments on Racist Cop Punches Black Girl While She’s Handcuffed

  1. Cops sometimes put up with lots of abuse.


    Not defending it either, but how dumb do you have to be to kick and smart mouth a cop after you’re already cuffed?

  2. Good song and dance routine, but that cop is a very bad actor, and a woman-beater. Even if she did kick him first, which I don’t think she did. He performed for the camera in order to cover his ass after he realized his inability to refrain from violence had just been caught on video. Then he snivels like a little girl who just got kicked by a mule. lol

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