‘Racist Debra Messing’ Trends on Twitter Following Tweet About ‘Mentally Ill’ Black Trump Voters – IOTW Report

‘Racist Debra Messing’ Trends on Twitter Following Tweet About ‘Mentally Ill’ Black Trump Voters


Left-wing actress Debra Messing is now being taunted as a bigot, as the hashtag “Racist Debra Messing” trends on Twitter, after she called black supporters of President Donald Trump “mentally ill.”

Last weekend, the Will and Grace star wrote “THANK YOU” in a re-tweet of a church sign in Alabama that read, “A black vote or Trump is mental illness.” The other side of the sign read, “A white vote for Trump is pure racism.”

After calling blacks who vote for Trump both mentally ill with her “THANK YOU” and her re-tweet endorsement of the sign, Debra Messing began to get some push back on her exhibition of racism. She later deleted her original tweet.

Now Debra Messing is suffering with the Twitter hashtag “#racistdebramessing,” a meme that began trending on Twitter on Wednesday evening. more here

19 Comments on ‘Racist Debra Messing’ Trends on Twitter Following Tweet About ‘Mentally Ill’ Black Trump Voters

  1. …enjoy your hoisting on that racial petard you Democrats made there, Debbie, it’s a pretty tall one after the 60-odd years yod divisive assholes have been forming it…

  2. The response by Candace Owens is not appropriate. Candace used words like “monolith” and “proprietary,” and I’m pretty sure no liberal Democrat will know what these terms mean.

    Anything over two syllables is incomprehensible to liberals, Candace.

  3. Leftists are the worst kind of racists; they impose their definition of “Black” upon Blacks.

    They “own” Blacks definitionally.

    Leftists cannot see this because they are convinced of their own Purity when it comes to Race. This hit me several months back when I saw this clip of Candace Owens debating Krystal Ball. The whole clip is great but the part in question begins at about 10:05.


  4. So according to “The Mess” black people are not allowed to form their own opinions.
    She is obviously an “OLD SCHOOL” Democrat.

    Not that it’s pertinent but she really looks like shit lately.

  5. @Kcir

    She’s likely a red diaper baby, born in NYC of socialist/communist parents. There are enough of them to form a demographic. The smarter ones saw through the lies and anti-Americanism of their Marxist parents and became conservatives and supporters of Israel. Yes, a lot, or most, were Jewish.

    Messing is a dumb one. She sat during the National Anthem at a NY Ranger game last year. She is an amazingly stupid and useless twat.

  6. Mithrandir…. I would have gone with ‘BLACK-FIRED’

    Anyway, I’m mainly here for the meme. Which may be the best internet meme I’ve ever seen.

    I will definitely make stickers out of that image.

  7. I never could have foreseen how gloriously this would blow up in her face- but of course I also didn’t know about the billboard retweet.

    If you create an environment of callout and cancel culture, it’ll eventually come to get you, Deb. Whether you deserve it or not.

  8. So-called Entertainment people are for the most part the worst people on the planet. They are mostly…

    feel superior to working stiffs.

    There is not much to like about them. They suck. Eff ‘em.


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