Racist Obama Caused Dems’ Downfall, Not Hillary – IOTW Report

Racist Obama Caused Dems’ Downfall, Not Hillary

American Thinker: The press is starting to pile on Hillary Clinton for losing to President Trump, but the real cause of the Democrats’ defeat is never discussed.  It is Obama himself.

According to Gallup, averaging his two terms, Obama was the most unpopular President since President Truman, save only for Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford.  Even Nixon was more popular.  That poll will never be reported in the liberal press.  But Democrats can’t ignore this astounding precinct map, that shows how tiny the blue islands have become in a sea of red voters.

Obama thinks Democrats should continue to write off those red voters.  They don’t have long to wait for the demographics of immigration to turn America’s majority non-white.  Obama is unfazed because he dreams about this: we already have a non-white majority among Americans under age 5.  Obama foresees a permanent Democratic government, based on minority immigration rates, coupled with ginning up racial and gender divisiveness.

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7 Comments on Racist Obama Caused Dems’ Downfall, Not Hillary

  1. Obama is a black supremacist motherfucker. He doesn’t care if he entire US becomes a giant cesspool, provided whitey gets fucked over. White people who support Obama are the most deluded, brainwashed simpleton fucktards on Earth.

  2. “I’m Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.”

    Not to be disagreeable, but I think Hillary did it all by her l’il old self. With some help from the inept Bozos on her campaign staff, of course.

  3. The Anthony Weiner files helped tilt the scales at the end too, i still can’t believe what unfolded before my eyes this election, it was better than any tv series ever.

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