Rail union authorizes strike, Amtrak cancels long-distance routes – IOTW Report

Rail union authorizes strike, Amtrak cancels long-distance routes


The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) rejected contract terms with railroads and instead opted to strike to secure greater concessions.

A tentative contract offered 24% raises and back pay, according to The Hill, but did not address worker scheduling concerns or demands to take time off for medical appointments. The union will not strike until Sept. 29 in hopes that union leaders could negotiate a new agreement before taking such action.

“We look forward to continuing that vital work with a fair contract that ensures our members and their families are treated with the respect they deserve for keeping America’s goods and resources moving through the pandemic,” it said, per the outlet.

Republicans have lined up before a plan to create a new contract that will block a nationwide walkout and potential disruptions to supply chains. More than 115,000 rail workers may legally strike, beginning Friday. more

16 Comments on Rail union authorizes strike, Amtrak cancels long-distance routes

  1. The Unions are Demonrat apparatchiks. They’re under orders.
    They’re doing their part to destroy our economy – or minimally, to drive inflation higher.
    Look for this kind of shit to spread.
    I assume this will also “impact” BNSF, Buffet’s system?
    That will drive oil prices through the roof – again.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Imagine train operators stopping trains that are 100’s of cars long in the middle of busy street traffic areas and blocking streets for almost a mile, and then severely disabling the engines.

  3. Everything bad that has happened to this country in Obama’s third term was a result of actions and decisions made by Obama’s third term.

    I have a hunch that collapsing the stock market is aimed directly at retirees and those over 50. The older set have never been a strong Dem demographic … except when Social Security and Medicare are threatened or claimed to be threatened.

    By disappearing our assets through inflation, devalued currency, stocks and investments, they move is into the ranks of the needy. We will own nothing and be forced to eat from the Dems’ trough.

    Obama’s third term are making irreversible changes (their words) to our economy, culture, society and political structure.

    The revolution is on. That is why we are being treated as counterrevolutionaries — enemies of the State.

  4. ACParker – even more to it than that. The United States’ legal currency (paper – whether backed by gold or not) is to be eliminated but the debt carried forward. But to do that without much revolt that could stop it, they need to make people beg for it’s replacement: the “digital Dollar” controlled by the same bastards who own the FED.

  5. I don’t travel by rail. So I don’t have a dog in that race. I have NEVER been a fan of unions either. So…

    This is not the country I grew up in. That country is dead. So I don’t give a flying **** what the unions do.

  6. Fuggem, fuggemall…. Supply chain’s gonna take a BIG hit. Do you have a year’s supply of soap? Beans? Meat? Vegetables? Alcohol? Pot’s always available locally. Do you have alternative heat sources? Ability to make electricity? Vitamins? Medications if you actually need them? What about extra clothes, shoes, gloves and hats? Do you have a gas or electric welder, a lathe, grinder or drill press? Hand tools? Extra metal stock, wood, fasteners?

    As you use these things you can replenish them as things are sporadically available. They turn into trading stock as well. Without these and other supplies on hand things might get pretty uncomfortable in the near future.


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